Search Results

Search results 1-20 of 52.

  • Quote from Scruff: “This thread is so fucking stupid. The matter of the fact is, gay people aren't born gay. Look at all the evidence he gave you in the original post. There's nothing to support it. ... ... (more inane rambling) ... ... We all need to accept that homosexuality is a hormonal imbalance as much as anything else. There's nothing wrong with it. But those are the facts.” Lulz Freud. Basically what you're doing is trying to use a man's theories who has been dead for half a century, ign…

  • Hey y'all, Do you mind if I interject some facts into this ... ermm... what could be called a debate only if debates involved vicious name-calling with few facts? (wiki) (2) (3) (4) So, you are most likely right with the 'there is no gay gene' argument. What you have not seen (or fail to acknowledge) are all of these studies that prove homosexuality is directly linked to male birth order (ie hormones in the womb, or other aspects of the mothers body). (wiki) (2) These show that homosexuality is …

  • Cults

    zork1 - - Debate and Discussions


    Would it be okay to say that the Heaven's Gate followers were 'stupid'? Would it be alright to say Charles Manson's followers were 'stupid'? I contend that these statements are not unfounded, if you don't agree with me post why.

  • Re: National IQ Average

    zork1 - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Sasha Vassily: “It means nothing except the little fact that Americans are stupid. And thanks to KfChicken and Nicholas, we have seen that it is true.” POST CONTENT REMOVED FOR BEING ABUSIVE AND INSULTING. - Anonymous Moderator

  • Quote from Jia-Ren-Qu: “She's over 18. :rolleyes:” Oh, then if you don't care about the relationship, sue the hell out of them

  • Re: Old Poem

    zork1 - - Creative Writing


    Would you like comments, criticisms, suggestions? How mean am I allowed to be?

  • Re: Nationalism

    zork1 - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Esmo: “Yes, a very weak republic...” Yes a weak one, but all such entities start weak. (I don't think the UN will gain much more power, but some similiar organization will likely)

  • Re: Nationalism

    zork1 - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from jnifw3nloi: “Yes, but again all occuring in one country. Nationalism is going to dissapear, not soo, but eventually. Just as the processes of globalization throughout human history have led from a village based society, to a state based society and eventually yo a global society. Nationalism, while beneficial to one country and one group of people is detrimental to the human race as a whole and it will eventually be removed or rendered insignificant, just as one can no longer keep sol…

  • Um, I may be missing something, but you are your parents dependent when you're under 18. You technically own nothing (I have heard of some special cases where the kid was earning a large wage (think child actors) and they got screwed by their parents, sued and got some money, but we're talking normal stuff here). Technically... I think parents would be receiving anything you won from the suit, so you are suing your parents to get your parents money... That may all be besides the point anyway, bu…

  • Re: Cosmetic surgery.

    zork1 - - Debate and Discussions


    People are always trying to best each other. The fact is we are 'prettier' than we ever have been as a society, but we constantly compare ourselves to others. It is not a matter of how good you look, but how you look in comparison to others. There are no winners. Cosmetic surgery is stupid.

  • Re: Do you believe in God?

    zork1 - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from sweetguy4126: “Actually, you completely ignored everything he had to say like a door knob. You're merely poisoning the well, and trying to act as though half your statements mean something. The person just explained why he accepts his religion; whether or not he offered his reasoning to you is quite irrelevant. Also, would you care to elaborate a bit more on your, "statistics requires more evidence than an isolated event to say anything about the likelihood of that event (let alone PR…

  • Quote from Sasha Vassily: “I have a lot more arguments, but right now that should be enough. Slavery and racism have their bearings in Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Islam and Christianity. To be honest, despite all the Islam bashing of today, Christians fail to see that they have killed more people in the last 2000 years than the total number of humans that have died of every other ethnic or religious violence (including the Nazi holocaust).” But you must realize that we would have done so wit…

  • Quote from zork1: “Alas, I fear logic may escape you. If it is so, there is no need to respond. Debates shall get you nowhere. May you eventually see the light” I thought it was good advice; why didn't you take it?

  • Re: Do you believe in God?

    zork1 - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from NYRDrury: “1. Learn statistics? Do you understand the statstical anominal we are that if it just so happened that particules of matter came together in such a way and we just so happen to be so far from the sun and soo on. 2. Because all the logical eveidence that I belief points to Christianity.” Ignorance may be bliss, but please keep it out of debates. Have you ever read, heard about, or are in anyway informed of evidence that points to these other religions? If you have not so inf…

  • Re: Do you believe in God?

    zork1 - - Debate and Discussions



  • Quote from NYRDrury: “Yes I do believe in God. The chances that the earth would have been formed by the big bang are so statistical small it is unreasonable to think that we do not have a creator. I personally believe in the Christian God however there is no way I can prove that to anyone other than just trusting St. Paul or other early Christians and what they wrote.” 1. Learn statistics. You can infer absolutely NOTHING from a single trial (the earth coming into existence) 2. Why can't you tru…

  • Re: Smoking?

    zork1 - - Health and Fitness


    Quote from Rorei: “It's not my FAULT you don't have PERFECT lungs. But OBESITY caused by BANANAS is a serious PROBLEM.” Why are you all marginalizing this banana epidemic? The problem must be heard! The government must limit people to reasonable rations! THINK OF THE CHILDREN! Quote from NYRDrury: “whops posted twice my bad” It's all cool, we love you. Quote from HanK: “I have manners on curtain things.” Ya, I usually start acting nice when it comes to curtains. My favorite type are green stripe…

  • Re: Homosexuality.

    zork1 - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Jezzie: “I don't understand what satire is!” I'm sorry to hear that, but if you want to find out it's under s in the dictionary.

  • Quote from tessa_s212: “I apologize for my question. Whenever I think about Pavlov or Skinner it is in relation or about the learning theory. I did not think at first that Skinner was known for other things as well. Eh, its what ya get from being a dog trainer.” One of the many fun things about life is that we get to learn so much! There was nothing wrong with your question.

  • Quote from tessa_s212: “I am a dog trainer. I'd sure hope I'd know a little something about Pavlov and Skinner. And I can't understand what in the world your point is with that comment. What does the learning theory/operant conditioning got to do with destiny or fate?” Quote from tessa_s212: “Skinner was the guy that basically came up with operant conditioning, defining reinforcement schedules and things of the like. Hes also known for radical behaviorism, which basically suggests everything is …