Search Results

Search results 1-15 of 15.

  • Re: Any grapplers or fighters here?

    vinzo - - Sports


    I've recently taken up Muay Thai and love it. I'm looking to train in BJJ as well.

  • Re: What does my dream mean?

    vinzo - - General Advice


    Your dreams portray your inner thoughts and your subconsious. It's your outlet, and the reason people think they predict the future is because your dreams give you insight to things you may not notice on a fully consious level, they interpret your surroundings on a different scale and they are perceived through events and ideas in your head, which is why they are so messed up sometimes. You should realize the underlying meaning, you know deep down. After all, you thought of it for a reason! :win…

  • Re: Stretch Marks

    vinzo - - Health and Fitness


    cocoa butter is the only thing to diminish the signs of stretch marks. I lift wegiths a lot and have them, but cocao butter helps a lot.

  • Re: Don't Use This!

    vinzo - - Health and Fitness


    Well, they do say it's suppose to make it worse before it gets better. People react differently to it. I've seen it work before, and I've seen it fail. Depends on many factors.

  • Are you tryin to clean your body of drugs, or clean it from toxins in general? These are two different situations...

  • A good standard plan to follow is: Eat 5 times per day; Breakfast in the morning, something small and packed with protein. Snack in between breakfast and lunch. Yogurt, almonds, fruit, etc... Lunch, something lean and low in fat, small portion Snack, same as the previous one, or mix it up, but the same style Dinner, decent meal but also low in fat, try not to eat it before you goto sleep. This will speed up your metabolism and burn more calories, working out will be an excellent supplement to th…

  • Re: Ghosts

    vinzo - - Debate and Discussions


    I believe that our our bodies and our consiousness are both combined and yet seperate. For us to be alive, our bodies need to produce energy. And, if you've ever taken a science class...then you would know that energy can niether be created nor destroyed. That being said, I feel that ghosts are simply our consiousness in a pure energy form. Like when they say a cold spot denotes a ghost in the area. That is because the ghosts are tyring to manifest themselves by taking in the energy around them.…

  • Assassin's Creed is defintely worth the pick up. It satisfies you as a gamer on so many levels. It reminds me of Spider man for playstation, with an expansive city, where every part of the envrionment can be interacted with, as well as hitman, which allows you to be creative and use your own techniques in your missions.

  • This is how you get your point across? Pretty sad...I hope I didn't make you too emotional. Quote from MissV: “THis dummy said emo culture :lol::lol::lol::lol:”

  • How can you say they don't all whine. Why else is it called emotional? I'm not trying to be mean here, and I'm not going upon my biases. So, I ask you to do the same. I'm just simply addressing a topic which I think needs to be borught to attention. Still waiting for an anwer why Emo exists and what it's good for?

  • Personally, I don't like the way they dress, but thats not what my issue is. I understand people have different fashion sense. My issue, is with what their culture represents. A bunch of whining candy asses. What do they bring to this country other than drama. There is enough drama in the world, why create more. I agree that there are many other sub-cultures which have just as much problem, but emo is recent and seems to be more useless than most. No one has anwered my question yet; Why emo? Ser…

  • Who, What, and Why Emo?

    vinzo - - Debate and Discussions


    Let me first say that I don't have a problem with anyone in particular, and that I typically get along with everyone equally. No matter how you choose to live. However, I am very curious about the emo culture. Personally, I can't stand it, and I'm wondering what the allure is. If anyone can help me explain this so called "culture". Please do! I will be adding to this thread my opionions as people address new points. Thanks.

  • Re: McDonalds is awesome

    vinzo - - Health and Fitness


    I despise all fast food...

  • His careern is definitely over. He will be gone way too long, and the image he portrays will only get worse. And, if you haven't seen yet, he might be indited on federal and not just state charges now.

  • 6'6" and 275 lbs with 18% body fat.