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  • Re: Polygamy/Polyamory

    lpstong - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Angelwings411: “Wow, your smart. Well, lets just say I apologize for the mormon comment.” No worries. And it isnt a matter about being smart. It's just I am Mormon/LDS and many have a misconception of Mormons/LDS and the Fundamentalists of today. There is a big difference, a way big difference in theology et cetera. The first thing taught in US history in regards to LDS/Mormons is polygamy vs. that the railroad met in Utah that made the railroad industry boom that brought the east to …

  • Re: Polygamy/Polyamory

    lpstong - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Angelwings411: “What are you mormon? I DO NOT believe in having more than one partner at a time. You are basically labeling yourself A SKANK! Good luck with them STDS you could get sleeping around.” Can I say how The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints/LDS(which is the proper and correct name for mormons - Mormons is a nickname given by non members) do not practice polygamy and have not in more than 120+ years. The religious groups are fundamentalists who lay claim to the Book…

  • Re: Mayank's Farmhouse

    lpstong - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Mayank: “*Hears so many voices* *Goes to the door and opens* 'Hello' ? 'Who are you all?'” Crowd shouts "Party at Mayank's Place" Kegs, cards and cuties file in one after another and cranks the music for all out fun to be had by all.

  • Re: Polygamy/Polyamory

    lpstong - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Mattilicious: “ I just know I could not survive healthily in a relationship like that.” Agreed. I couldnt either. I am selfish. And would want to be the 1st and only wife. But many people in Muslim countries participate in Polygamy. Not all remain intact. Look at Osama Bin Laden. His mother, I believe was a 4th or 5th wife. And his father and mother had a falling out. Kicked them both out of the compond and (Osama's father) was very distant. But anyways. I do know when it was practice…

  • It depends if I am thirsty or remember to drink water. But I mainly drink around 5 - 8 glasses a day of water. Not including soda or juices I drink at dinner or whatever. So I guess it equals out to about 8 a day.

  • I'm Depressed!

    lpstong - - General Advice


    We all know who it is when people look at you wierd for being 12 or 13 yet you are mature enough to make many people look silly. Just dont rush things. And for the most part girls are suppose to lie about their age. Just straight out tell them that you are 13 or 14. Always give yourself an extra year till your 21.

  • Mad Eye Moody and Sirius. I think mainly the whole cast really. I do like the graphics in the movies so far. I hope they can keep up the quality that was written in the book and keep it up in the movies. But I will most definitely will see the 5th movie and waiting for the last book to come out.