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  • I took about 120 Iron tablets which put me in hospital for about 2 weeks. I did it on purpose because i suffered from depression after my mum died nearly a year ago. Was told that even 2 more tablets would have killed me due to the strength. The way i've fully beaten it is by getting a tattoo from my uncle who is a tattooist! I have a black and red butterfly on my side (not the one in the photo as thats a fake one i was testing (aka pen))

  • thanks. It did earlier but the ppl i work with helped alot

  • Yeah ive been thinking that and then one of his mates came up to me today while i was at work (waitressing at a local hotel/restraunt place) and said karl got a lucky escape because i'm ugly :mad: My avatar is me earlier this year! yes im not the best looking person on earth but i'm not f*****g ugly.

  • updated!!!! It doesnt matter anymore Karl phoned me about 5 mins ago and couldnt even remember asking me out. Then he had the nerve 2 say that "if i did ask you out it was a mistake" :mad:

  • Heya, Well theres two things which are seriously confusing me about my boyfriend now. We were together for just over a month then split up a week ago and got back together yesteray. the first one is that my boyfriend is only 16 (I'm 14) and when we went ice skating he kept getting asked how old he was because he looks older than he is. Some of the ages he got asked if he was include; 16 (his real age), 18, 21, 23, 24, 26, 32, 39. This is really annoying annoying because people dont believe it wh…

  • Another thing is that it doesnt matter (to most girls) that you look good its the personallity which counts

  • Most guys dont like it when your too ego-tistic. It really puts some girls off!!! Yes you are an ego-tisic manic because you just said "I'm the best looking person in the school" TRY NOT BEING SO SELF CONSUMED

  • Re: Your Mental Age

    teenangel - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    My sister did! She's 19 and she got 20 NOT BAD

  • Re: Your Mental Age

    teenangel - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    Real age = 14 MENTAL AGE: drum roll..... 27

  • Your right there! I think its been easier since we buried her ashes. School's been dead hard but hey. People say they understand because: 1) Their mum or dad has been away for a couple of weeks on a holiday 2) Their Pet has passed away after only having the pet for a few weeks BUT to be honest! unless you've lost a parent who you've known your WHOLE life no-one does! it just makes me sick when people say they know how im feeling when they dont. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU TOO

  • Re: Unfair

    teenangel - - Friends and Family


    I have not long joined here but i know people in your situation. My mum used to always treat my older sister better than me, let her do more stuff etc. I hated it and often wished i didnt live there... I started going out with mates and that got me into smoking. Since my mum has passed away i have started to quit smoking, and me and my dad are getting along better than before but my sister still doesnt like it that she isn't getting her own way. THANKGOD SHE GOES OF TO UNIVERSITY IN 2008:D

  • Can anyone help?

    teenangel - - Friends and Family


    Hey, Since my mum passed away just over a month ago, my dad and sister have been "distance" and wont talk to me much anymore! My sister (who is 19 - 4 years and a half older than me) won't even look at me anymore. Lisa

  • My mum passed away on november 15th 2007 and it was her 43rd birthday on the 22nd december. This year seems to be getting worse and worse! No-one actually understands what i'm going through. I dont know what to do because i miss her so much and this christmas is going to get worse and worse.:(