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  • this is kind of a weird post but, i could never remember anything from my childhood, and stuff even from when i was 12 or 13, which isn't all that long ago. I'm 19 now and i no longer live at home and for what ever reason something just reminded me of something from my childhood that i had forgotten and now I'm starting to remember everything, like stuff from when i was like 5 or 6, even younger. Its crazy but i completely forgot about my great grandmother, playing with my younger brothers, goin…

  • Re: Mushrooms

    CanadaGuy - - General Advice


    well basically if your going to do it, you should have a sitter for your 1st time thats gonna make sure you dont do anything stupid. mushrooms aren't addictive, but you can overdose from them if you take too much, also a bad trip on shrooms can be one of the most terrifying experiences ever, and just remember if your having a bad tip your like that for quite awhile. to find out more info. on shrooms if your still not sure you can go to Erowid, its a realiable site.

  • ive seen girls try to "change" their boyfriends many times and it just doesnt work.

  • he defiently like you, but hes not sure if you like him. he only mentioned that thing about the other girls to see how you would react. just tell himt hat you like him.

  • Re: people want me dead :(

    CanadaGuy - - General Advice


    Quote from xxXRawrHelloKittyxxX: “If I listened to people during middle school and high school, I would have committed suicide a long fucking time ago. At least people don't attempt to kill you. Which they won't achieve anything but proving to people that they are stupid.” haha, yea me too. i actually was bullied a lot when i was younger because i was kind of shy/insecure and i wouldnt stand up for myself. seriously just dont let it bother you, and i can guarentee that they really dont want you …

  • Quote from zombieAHH: “i wish someone would try to jump me at my house or even break in, i have a 12 guage shotgun under my bed loaded with doubble buckshot, and an ak47 in my closet. but dont go fight, call the police or just talk to him over the phone or myspace or something where he cant hurt you or you cant hurt him or get in trouble” your so full of shit, were gonna need a shovle here to clean up all the shit your spillin, lmao you say you have an ak47 in your closest, but then suggest to c…

  • seriously man, going there by yourself thats a really bad idea... i live in a pretty rough town so im used to this stuff. Id just get a few of your friends to jump him like they jumped you but make sure you put a really bad lickin on him, give him a black eye or 2 so when he goes to school everyone will know you n your friends beat him up. personally id beat him up at his house when hes walking home from school and put a rock threw his window. either that or you can "just take it" and move on an…

  • theres defiently benefits to being single, and its always fun when you choose to be.

  • Re: Will I have the same size?

    CanadaGuy - - Puberty


    wtf kind of post is this... seriously??

  • HAHAHAH! sorry to laugh but its funny from a guys perspective cause it sucks sooooo fucking bad! it happens to most guys once and awhile sometimes it just wont go up. its defiently not you tho.

  • Re: Shaved Penis?

    CanadaGuy - - Teen Sexuality


    i dont trim or shave i just usually make dreads.

  • Re: An Older Life?

    CanadaGuy - - Teen Sexuality


    yea ive actually never thought of that, i guess its probally cause im not gay and would never have to consider it, but yea thats tough. like i worry sometimes that i might never meet the person thats right for me and ill be alone or single most of my life, but i think a lot of people have those feelings. but, do you think that you'll never meet anyone that you would like to be with long term? or that you know you wouldnt want to but kind of wish you could?

  • if neither of you felt like it was wrong then, it most likely isnt.

  • he probally still likes you, but mabye he actually want to be friends at the moment. you can hang out with him if you want but not just the two of you. mabye agree to hang out somewhere where your boyfriend is going to be so things dont get confusing and you two can hang out as friends.

  • just ask girl x to the prom... its not like your asking her to be your girlfriend, its a prom date. when i went to the prom i wasnt dating anyone and i didnt consider myself to be going out with her while we were there. just go with girl x and have fun. he friend is being a huge douche.

  • if she really liked you shed probally make more of an effort to keep a conversation going.

  • well do you both flirt with eachother? when your with a group of people and you start talking does she give you her attention? do you both have lots of eye contact? does she ever touch you? does she laugh at your jokes a lot? if she does a lot of those then she likes you and you should ask her out. if not and you think you have a shot at it with her try flirting with her a lil bit and see how she reacts.

  • do whats right for you, but if your not affectionate at all or hardly most guys will think that your uninterested. you dont have to kiss right away and stuff, there is other ways you can show affection like hugging, or holding his hand... etc. if your comfortable with him im sure youll be able to build yourself up to kissing him afterawhile.

  • for me basically we were both attracted to each other and the the vibe i got from her anyways was that she liked the idea of us being together and hanging out but felt guilty for thinking it because of her boyfriend so she kind of started avioding me, but when her relationship started getting rough with her b/f she would always come to me even though we didnt know eachother all that well. To make a long story short she always ended up patching things up with her b/f, and i always ended up like "…