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  • Re: masturbation

    soswing - - Teen Sexuality



  • God don't drop out of school because of that, can't you just laugh at yourself - shoot you might evern get a girlfriend out of it. I bet the girls that you had in there got a kick out of it (in a good way) Now you need to photoshop a picture of that guy making out with your teacher in a little pink bikini and high heels and hang the pictures all over the school.

  • Re: Prefered hair removal method?

    soswing - - Fashion


    razor everyday for legs, I can't stand when they feel prickly, lol pub - nair - the new ones work really great I haven't ever done my eyebrows yet but I am going to get them done soon -

  • Re: Tanning Creme

    soswing - - Fashion


    I use this type of tanner, the lotion with just a little bit of tanner in it because I am a redhead - make sure you get the one for fair skin. When you put this on do it just like you would do lotion, rub it in really, really good. When you are going over rough spots like knees and elbows make sure you bend them so they don't get streaks - and MOST important (I've never read this anywhere, it's what works for me) I take a paper towel and rub all over really good to make sure that there were not …

  • Re: Once good looking.....

    soswing - - Fashion


    I think maybe your mom is right, you are seeing yourself as this horrible looking person now and you probably put out a vibe to people that you talk to - just like you used to smile and get a smile back - do you really give people that same smile and not get a smile back - If you fell really bad about yourself other people will be able to fell that too.

  • If you could sit your parents down and MAKE them listen and actually hear what you had to say, what would you tell them? I would tell them that I have a mind of my own, I can be trusted and I don't need them trying to control me 24 hours a day.

  • I've always hated talking to people. I always get really jealous of my older sister because it seems so easy for her to make conversations with others. What I do (and this might seem silly) is to think of things when I'm by myself that I can talk to people about, conversations starters. The other thing I do is to always ask people about themselves, this usually gets a conversation going because people like talking about themselves.

  • I go to the gym 5 days a week, 60 minutes on the eliptical and 20 minutes on weights -

  • I want you to know that being overwhelmed and feeling stupid at school, etc happens to everyone, it doesn't sound like your illness is holding you back (except in sports) thats great!

  • Quote: “I have other family members, but not close, since they are 7hours away from me.” I bet if they knew how you felt they would be there real fast - I'm glad you have best friends to help you through this.

  • The best thing to do is what you are doing right no - talk about it, and keep talking about it - I'm sorry to hear about your grandmar - I found my grandmother - the morning after she had a stroke (she died a few days later) it is a horrible feeling when someone you love dies, knowing you will never see them again, please believe me, the more time that goes by the easier it gets and one day you will see yourself thinking of your grandma with fond memories and a smile on your face. I've been thro…

  • That's really sad, do you have any other family, aunts, uncles, cousins? How about a favorite teacher you can talk to?

  • Can you get your parents to take you to a doctor. You could also talk to your school counselor or a teacher you really like.

  • Can you get your parent to take you to a doctor. Maybe you could talk to your school guidance counselor or a teacher that is easy to talk to.