Search Results

Search results 1-6 of 6.

  • P.S - Since you are still a teenager, there should be a free-to-service counselor available for you, wherever you are. If you live in Australia... you can try "Headspace"... I went through them, and they were very helpful. If you live in Australia and Canada, you can try "Kids Helpline" as it's called in Aus, or "KidsHelpPhone" as it's called in Canada... both are 24-hour toll-free help & advice phone services for people ranging between Childhood to 21 years of age. If you live in the US, or any…

  • Quote from CaitlinCan: “ I don’t want to have to go in the bathroom and act like im taking a shower, just because im crying. ” Wow. That was really powerful. Caitlin... I can relate to your sitation as well. I didn't have a room, or a place to go, just to be alone & have my privacy. So I know how you feel... and a lot of people underestimate it these days. I used to always go to the backyard, and sit down, and turn my back against the door, so that no one can see me crying quietly... patting my …

  • My mum used to smack me & chase me around the house with her shoes. Haha. I used to be too fast for her, so she'd say "Just wait till your father comes home"... and he'd eventually find me & smack me with his belt. And even though I will NOT hit my own kids if I ever eventually have them (Mainly because I don't agree to it, and even if I did, I wouldn't know how to handle the situation)... I still think it helped me straighten out a little. I became very obedient & that was for the better. I loo…

  • One time when I was like 10 years old, My family & a couple of friends of mine all went on a short week long holiday, with the RV & everything. When we stopped for a day, we all set everyhting up & had dinner, ect ect. After dinner, all us kids thought about playing hide & seek around the forest area... it was like 9pm by now... We all chose our places to hide. My hiding place was under the bed in the RV... I could barely fit, but I got there. I was hiding, thinking no one would find me, until b…

  • I feel sorry for your friend.

  • Re: Tits or Ass: The Great One

    Jaseyy - - Teen Sexuality


    I'd have to go with the Ass. Real peachy ones. Oiled up. With an hour glass waist... waiting to be gripped tight & pounded till the pelvis can't take no mo' :wink: Heh. BOOTY CALL!!! *runs*