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Search results 1-20 of 105.

  • Man, i havent posted here in forever , i wonder if anyone still remembers me, regardless im making a psuedo-comeback, i guess anyway,having recently turned 18,and being a college student, its about time i start looking for a job, hardcore,you know anyway, aside from my interview etiquite , vernacular,gesticulations, attire etc, which im fairly confident i have down well, do you think the length of my hair will really matter to an employer.........its about a rough 4.5 inches, well kept up with a…

  • Re: advice on prom suit?

    Daistheputridone - - Fashion


    Quote from dancingirl1811: “the red shirt with a black tie sounds good to me, if you want to be sort of bold, you could always do a yellow or blue shirt with a black tie. once your inside, you should wait a little until you start to "relax" people will be taking pictures, and you don't wan to look like you don't care when you just got there. you know? wait a little bit until the dancing gets underway and what not, then you can take off your jacket and loosen your tie hope i helped :)” yellow shi…

  • advice on prom suit?

    Daistheputridone - - Fashion


    im still debating going to prom, but i may yet, but i wanted an opinion beforehand i suppose im not renting a tux, too expensive you see, and the only suit i have is black im wondering what colors would augment the suit i thought red shirt and black tie, as i find a white shirt distasteful and black a bit too strong, but id prefer opinions on that sort of thing, y'know... also , for those whove been to your prom already, do you think itd matter if i "undo" my suit and relax once im inside thanks…

  • Quote from Just_A_Dude: “Tony Iommi (Black Sabbath guitarist) is one guitar playing mofo for him to have chopped off the tips of his fingers on his fretting hand....” a pretty impressive feat indeed, kinda like the def lepord drummer was pretty good for only having one arm lol

  • Quote from Just_A_Dude: “Just out of interest, what's the hardest song you can play through perfectly? I don't actually know about me, all the tabs I've even found were incomplete, but I can play Iron Man up until the solo. (That's where my tab cut off, so I don't know the rest of the song. >.<)” i pretty much have back in black down now, probably about my level of difficulty and speed(damn solo though), ironman is probably the ultimate begginer song, and yet it still has one of my favorite solo…

  • Quote from Just_A_Dude: “I'm 14, I started playing when I was 13. Visit Ultimate-Guitar for some tips. They have great articles that helped me a whole bunch. I first learned "Iron Man" by Black Sabbath, that's a great beginners' song. The BEST thing you can do is take a song you want to learn, and play it at a slow tempo for about 21 days. This builds up your muscle memory. Slowly increase the tempo after a couple days of mastering the song at that tempo, then again, and again until you can play…

  • Quote from _Frank_: “Yay that makes you better than 90% of teen "lifters", you should add bodyweight/ weighted(if you can)dips too as they are great for tricep and chest developement, also my favourite excercise.” why thank you but i feel no need for clasiffying lifting by age group or senescense, anyone thats ever picked up a dumbell for health is in the same league, though not ith the same level of "virtus" and yes, i also share your love of dips, theyre just such a cool body weight exercise,

  • Quote from doolie: “bump.gif” haha, thats funny thatd be hilarious to see in person

  • Quote from smb10198: “My son injured his back doing a deadlift. He now has lumbar spondylolysis, or a crack in his lumbar vertebra. If your pain has not gone away, you should check out with an orthopedic doc.” no thankfully it was just some minor thing unfortunate thing concerning your son, at least it was a crack and rather not a completely annihilated vertabrae

  • Quote from xc_diver12: “^^ lol do you know how to read chords from websites? i'm feel like sometimes i have no idea what fret to start at :O” do you mean tabs or actual musical notation yeah theyre wierd systems but once you grasp them they stick with you, i have a problem reading them too fast ahead of my fingers , y'know, hehe hell one day though ill look back and ill read too slow for my fingers

  • Quote from Bigsteve: “Ha, you think shelling out an extra hour will make much of a difference? Probably a very small one. The key is to make the most of the given time you have. I could loft around walking for 3 hours, or put a nice good well rounded effort for 30 mins to 1 hour of different paces, intervals, and slopes to work the muscles nicely. In a cardio workout, the most fat calories are lost in the first 30 minutes, after that it's pretty much all carb calories. From the looks of it, I se…

  • Quote from Idontknowwhatsay: “acne fucking sucks and there still not sure what cures everyones but... they believe cleanliness, your diet, exercise, stress, are reasons your face breaks out... also every acne system says DO NOT go outside without using sunscreen... but if all else fails, i'd give that SKIN ID. a try... its suppose to recognise what kind of acne you have and give you 3 different solutions (but then again its like 50$)” yeah i know, its an annoying few years, with an incurable pla…

  • Quote from Titus Pullo: “Maybe not a rip, but maybe your Erector Spinae has been broken down more than you're used to. It shouldn't take much longer than 48 for protein synthesis to complete. If you still feel 'pain' after, then you probably did some damage too. Clean and press is a great move to build deltiod mass. You use your legs, back and other muscles too. If you find it difficult, you could try dumbell shoulder presses for reps. I also recommend doing some form of forearm training right f…

  • Quote from hayleyy: “Ah thats the joy of an excersize bike, dont have to actually be able to cycle on a real bike its all stable etc all you have to do is make your legs go in circles really. You can get them pretty cheap too if you're willing to go second hand I know a few mates who've picked them up for £10-£15 (GBP). Mines older than me considering my mum bought it when she was my age but hey it still works fine and even the little display box works perfectly.” unfortunately i dont have room …

  • Quote from Purple Haze: “you looked at your diet? - you may be eating the wrong kinds of fats and not enough of the good kinds of fats ?” id say i do fair enough' a decent amount of the good unsaturated fats, and little to none of the dreaded lipid filth that are everything else but maybe i should watch to it , just to be sure

  • Quote from Titus Pullo: “Also, if you're new to lifting weights, don't try going too heavy too soon. By new I mean less than a year of solid training. Your muscles need time to learn co-ordination, and your joints and tendons need to be stronger before you can get down to real training. Of course you should still do power moves such as clean & press, deadlifts, squats, and bench presses, but I've seen 18 year old kids weighing only 150lbs trying to bench press 300lbs. They normally have 3 of the…

  • Quote from Titus Pullo: “'No pain, no gain'. You have to make sure that 'pain' is the good sort from muscles which have be burned and pumped, and not the kind of pain you get from actual physical injury. With deadlifts, at the start keep your head up and back straight. Don't round your back or you will stress your delicate intervertebral discs, which can cause injury. You should be using you glutei, legs and lower back as a shear driving force in getting that weight up. I usually use a good 500l…

  • Quote from jaco123: “no i always do it with the bar empty first to make sure taht i am doing it right, this goes for any excercise” probably the best lifting advice ever typed

  • Quote from jaco123: “i think you are a failure due to the fact that you keep giving us excuses rather then acting on your mistakes. if you dont know what you are doing while you work out you are doing a horrible job. by your profile pic you look really chubby, im making an assumption. and comparing half the rest of the world to you will not help you at all, you have to make a diffrence for yourself regardless what everyone else is like or doing and since your excercies are random i am here to he…

  • ouch , friday i did some bad deadlifts , not even thinking , with every anti-form measure possibly ever, with about 185 lbs now, back pain, duh, stupid me thankfully i corrected myself and got my form decent and 1 succesful deadlift out of the way, lol anyone else have experience with that dull back pain that is reminiscent of bad form or maybe care to guess on how long it lasts, its been about 40 hours now, on a slow decline and healing, but annoying nonetheless anything i can do about it for r…