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  • Re: Question

    Xo_MaNaDa_Xo - - Debate and Discussions


    here's a question: what if the human was you, and someone else had to decide between the pet's life and yours. then what would you want?

  • Re: flip flops: top or flop?

    Xo_MaNaDa_Xo - - Fashion


    yeah, everyone wears flip-flops here during summer. but ppl wear tennis shoes and flats (ballerinas) too. i flip-flops, they're so cute and comfy!!

  • Re: boooobies :P

    Xo_MaNaDa_Xo - - Teen Sexuality


    yeah, i always wear a bra to bed, and i drink tons of milk, and so far none of it has worked. maybe whatever exercise the guys do to get really big pecs would the least they'd be muscular

  • do subtle stuff, like look into his eyes when you're talking and smile like he's the most georgeous thing you've ever seen. find any excuse to touch him in convo in a non creepy way, just like, touching his hand or his shoulder. at lunch, if he catches you looking at him (again, in a non stalker-ish way) don't look away immediately. hold his gaze for a moment, then smile flirtatiously. try to make it so that he's the one to look away first, but don't turn it into a staring contest!!! the most im…

  • Re: virginity

    Xo_MaNaDa_Xo - - Teen Sexuality


    it's a good question... society defines virgin as someone who has never had vaginal intercourse but if you're gay, you're probably not going to experience that. most of the lesbians i know don't consider themselves virgins, so does that mean that if you have oral sex you're not a virgin? who knows... personally, i think it depends on the person's sexual orientation for how "virginity" is defined. it's not fair, but it's reality.

  • Re: Virginty!!?!?!

    Xo_MaNaDa_Xo - - Teen Sexuality


    if you're referring to the hymen, yeah, it's not just sex that can break it. it can be broken with anything from a tampon to bike riding or horseback riding. some girls aren't even born with one. But just because it's broken doesn't mean you're not still a virgin. (random fact: parents used to hang the "wedding sheet" [the sheet the bride and groom used on their wedding night] out in the street to prove that their daughter had been a virgin when she was married. if it didn't have blood on it, th…

  • i need to tell her how you feel. just don't do it really agressively or she might freak out. just be cool about it, you know, just be like "hey, this is how i feel, but if you don't feel the same way, that's ok." don't pressure her and it'll be less awkward. good luck! i've been in this position's the best feeling and the worst feeling. hope it works out for you!