Search Results

Search results 1-20 of 62.

  • okaaaay. lol. But that cant be your excuse for all your posts, can it?? or do you take flights weekly?? and what does your scholarship offers and acceptaces have to do with whether or not your dumb??? The definition of dumb via - Dumb: dense; slow to understand. Now, a question; did you catch the sarcasm earlier, or was it did it sail overhead??

  • ...i think u may be dumb, baseball guy.

  • Why thank you, flag guy.

  • You're welcome. you should write a book or something, cause you've changed my life, kid. Such insight!!!! I'd swear you were a college a Philosophy professor!!!

  • Quote from jnifw3nloi: “If you find it so demanding and stressful, perhaps its not for you. Taking more demanding courses means that youa re aware of the difficulty it entails. I think you just like to whine alot.” mkay. this thread is turning into one of those moments in life where you make a sarcastic statement and people take you seriously cause they dont get it. Which is fine. lol. Not all of us can be brilliant and have a sense of humor; it's either pompous ass or class clown for most peopl…

  • god, you sound like drones.:lol: they were probably the best courses i ever took, and i got out of most of my 101 courses, saving around $1,800. Plus, i get to graduate college a semester earlier since im taking sophmore courses now. However, when I wrote this blog I was pissed because I had AP tests the days of and after graduation and one on the day of my senior picnic and another on my first day of vacation. Yes, they're great, "be the best nerd you can be" and all that jazz; but in order to …

  • I cant wait! im excited about my signature.

  • Quote from Einsteinette: “Dear CuckoosNest, I have read that novel! I love it so much! Have you read any other Jodi Picoult? She's one of my favourite authors (just beaten by Shakespeare and Harper Lee.) PS I love talking to all of you about being like I am. To the poster who mentioned about her grades slipping: Don't give up! I know it sounds hypocritical, coming from me, but I'm spurred on mainly by the thought that it will be worth it in the ned. Is anyone else reading Shakespeare? Because I'…

  • Okay, let's start with basic terms & definitions. Reputation: the opinion of the public toward a person, a group; a social evaluation Negative: Not positive, Bad; example: "Dissapprove." Now, on this board, every person builds a reputation [see definition]. Reputations are built by the evaluations of other board members and their responses to posts. In order to add to someones reputation, you have to click on the fart looking button next to the post number, select "Approve" or "Disapprove." and …

  • Quote: “that's really what kills. Nobody gives a damn about the person standing next to them.” True. Quote: “Until people sack up...” lol. ive never heard that before. My new [methsnax inspired] phrase: "Sack up, bitch."

  • Re: Bye.

    CuckoosNest - - General Advice

    Post sorry. did he smash his pc and then kill himself??? cause thats what it sounds like.

  • dont argue with him, just give him a negative reputation response

  • Quote: “Black President?? Hell no, not any time soon.” wow, that sounds a little racist, self.

  • Im workin on my 3rd ipod right now. Had a shuffle, then a nano, now im on a video iPod, Norman, and he's awesome. The only thing i like about Zune, is that you can send music.

  • Okay. 1. I'd like this picture over to the far left, right? []asclogo.gif] - Image - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting 2. "I'm a Scottie!" in the middle. in a yellow-gold, script font. 3.and then this dog.[scottiedog.jpg - Image - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting] 4. I'd like the b/g to be a dark purple. I'd appreciate this alot. No rush at all, though.

  • The Ring. I cant sleep with my TV off, because I start envisioning her coming through it. and its been like 5 years? since I saw the movie.

  • Re: rock or rap

    CuckoosNest - - Music


    Rap sucks nowadays. Hip Hop is where its at.

  • Re: I missed my chance.

    CuckoosNest - - General Advice


    sort of obvious what to do, no? the only option you have: call him. or else these feelings of "what if" and regret will only intensify.

  • Re: I Quit!

    CuckoosNest - - Friends and Family


    taking pills for what? to kill yourself?? cause when you say youre considering taking pills, thats very emo, so now i dont know if i believe that you really are quitting. and its not like youre emancipating yourself from your family. just stop, right?

  • Re: Girls and masturbation!

    CuckoosNest - - Teen Sexuality


    1. Were you horny when you tried? Or did you just sit down and say, "hmm...I think I wanna try this masturbation thing out!" 2. Do know where everything is?? lol. Cause I had to print out a sort of anatomical road map.