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Search results 1-20 of 183.

  • you people are stupid (truth hurts). no swine flu isn't a death sentence, it's only mildly worse then the regular flu. do you know what it IS? Really fucking infectious. yah that's what makes it a pandemic, it spreads like fucking wild fire. regular people most likely won't die from it, but you know who will? The sick the too young and the too old, the same people that die from the seasonal flu only at a hirer rate because it's so infectious. as for mandatory vaccines, it's only mandetory for go…

  • Re: GOD: real or fake?

    Darth - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from LuklaAdvocate: “Not needing something has no bearing on its existence. Both creationists and evolutionists alike seem to like it both ways with your latter point. While the "who created god" questions remains (assuming god needs a creator), the "what created matter and energy" or "what caused the big bang" question also needs to be asked. ” Except you know there's evidence for evolution, and it's not supposed to explain the creation of the universe (big bang theory) or even the origin…

  • Quote from ASVLN: “Really? Why? It's not like if there ever was a higher power out there, that the very foundations of science will crumble.” No it pretty much would. When there's an randomly changing all powerful element that can fuck with you on a wim objective observation suddenly doesn't mean much, good thing there is no god though so the above point is moot.

  • Strong atheism, no proof thus no need to waste my time.

  • Quote from Anonymous1: “The video might not give direct evidence to creation but it sure does prove evolution wrong, as you see in the video, darwin himself admitted to errors in his theories, the video also explains the DNA complex molecule, plus none of the evolutinists could create 1 living cell from a nonliving cell, and alot more.” well none of the evolutionists have been at it for millions of years, now have they? Darwin himself admitted scenarios that if proven correct would invalidate ev…

  • Re: Satanism-your views.

    Darth - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from outofthisworld: “I'd love to hear your views on what Satanism is. Religion, Cult, Stereotype...what the fuck is it? Personally, I think that it is a religion just like any other, and should not be respected. But I'm not sure so I'd love to hear what you know and think.” fixed

  • Re: What's your religion

    Darth - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Dr.Carter: “If there's any group of likely to organize by religious beliefs (or lack thereof), it's not the atheists.” Yah we'd organize over something sensible, like human rights.

  • from the ones I've played (FF7, FF8, FF9, FF10, CC) Crisis Core But I want to play the earlier ones

  • Quote from jar0fair: “Atheism.... i am not a religouse person at all, but i do consider myself to be spiritual, but i simply do not understand atheists. do they really believe nothing happens after we die? nothing at all? i mean if that where absolutely true, then life is pointless. I mean if nothing happened after we died there is no point in living. you wont remember it when you die. to put it into perspective. What if i told you that every single night, as you sleep, you and everyone else who…

  • very slowly trying to learn straight C

  • Re: Windows vs. Mac

    Darth - - Technology and the Internet


    For now anyway.

  • Re: Mac Or Windows

    Darth - - Technology and the Internet


    Me, I'd rather have an OS that offers compatibility with a large library of software (XP) or one that offers supperior security and customization (Linux et al) rather then a shiny version of X.

  • Re: Windows vs. Mac

    Darth - - Technology and the Internet


    congratulations on dropping a few K for what is essentially a fancy version of gnome.

  • let's do an experiment. raise your hand if you're going into a tech field. now raise your hand if you prefer XP. you'll notice an expected 110% overlap between the 2. (13% MOE)

  • disk launcher

  • Everything was created last Thursday, artifacts and memories included.

  • How is this a debate? there are standards for when it is and isn't a vowel set forth in the English language; what's there to debate?

  • Re: Evolutionary curve?

    Darth - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Esmo: “Nature should have been allowed to do everything in the first place. That's not really a possibility now.” Who's to say what is natural? we came from nature, the materials we use came from nature. what is unnatural?

  • Re: New psp?

    Darth - - Video Games


    as long as it make the psp 2000 cheaper I'm happy

  • Evolutionary curve?

    Darth - - Debate and Discussions


    Warning: this post contains views on evolution; if you are too feeble minded to distinguish between speculation on a scientific concept, and forcing a world view upon someone please leave now. also some harsh language. We have all been taught the theory of evolution of man through random mutation and natural selection. But what happens when we reach a level of technological advancement that lets us stop natural selection? Currently we have the technology to keep those with week genes in the gene…