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Search results 1-20 of 514.

  • Heya There are a thousand strong reasons not to do it again. You can still have a good life, you know. I know it doesn't seem like it now, but if you were to kill yourself, then you're taking away the CHANCE of a good life. That concept that you could change things later on in life. Perhaps have children. If you kill yourself you'd be destroying their chances at life as well. The concept of destroying the future would be hanging around you. You could change so much negatively for everyone. You c…

  • Hello The way you feel is only to be expected. You went through a very traumatic time during your depression, as does everyone who go through what you did. I myself have been in your position, but don't worry about it too much - it can be solved if you put your mind to it with little fuss. Just stay strong and don't worry about it. Here's what I believe you should try for now; your pocketful of every day things that you carry around with you; wallet, keys, whatever - place with them something th…

  • Re: Cutting..

    Tenris - - Depression, Self Harm and Suicide


    Heya I know that going through a stage of self-harm can be difficult, and I'm glad that you have someone there for you to talk to and help you through this. However, I think you're going to need to apply a lot more effort to the task of stopping altogether. Cutting is an addiction, and like any other addiction, it's difficult to tear yourself away from it. A quote that I thought was very true is "in order to get rid of an addiction, you need to substitute it with another addiction". This does no…

  • Hello Firstly, I agree with everything DeaExMachina said. You're good with advice, Alaan. Medication of this sort is designed to make your mood more "stable", as Alaan said, meaning that even though it is designed to level out the negative mood you're in, it also does the same to your positive moods, to the point where you're constantly in the middle - as if you're not often happy or sad. I know this because my mother used to take various medication for depression, but stopped, because she felt …

  • Hello You know, believe it or not, I was exactly like you up until two or three years ago. For the majority of my school career I messed up all forms of social opportunities and my life was pretty much run down into the ground - but over the time of just one year, I made a full recovery, changed my whole life around, and became the person I wanted to be. By increasing my social life and capabilities, I also had a lot of positive effects with all other aspects of my life. You don't need to forget…

  • Heya You know, my girlfriend was in your situation once a long while back. She used to self-harm, and her two best friends, although very concerned, weren't allowed to interfere. After a while, she realised that she had no one else there for her, and that she needed them there more than she ever knew before. I think that your friend have already shown great willingness to stand by you and help you no matter what. I think that you should talk to them, tell them that you're okay, you're sorry for …

  • Heya Please excuse my writing if it's bad - I'm not used to this laptop. I really feel for you mate, and I feel sorry for both you and your friend. She was a little torn up working out where her priorities lie, but as she said, she's happy with her boyfriend. Yes, she led you on - but that was just because she didn't know what she wanted, let alone how to act on it all. I was in her boyfriend's place once. I know what it's like. And at the time, my girlfriend didn't have the strength to turn ano…

  • Re: .....

    Tenris - - Depression, Self Harm and Suicide


    Hello It seems like you have quite a situation here. You have a problem that you find almost impossible to explain. Although it seems that there's no or hardly any reason to be depressed, you feel it anyway. You have to remember that the people around you are not there to judge you, and the negative memories that you have are in the past, and have no effect over what will happen in your future. The only way that they will have an effect is if you dwell on them too much, because they will make yo…

  • Hello Heather I know that you're in a tough situation at the moment, I've been through exactly the same thing before. My best friend Allie killed herself a couple of years ago, and at the time I had a lot of difficulty letting go as well, but over time I learned that things did go bad, but nothing I can do could change that. Your friend Dinny was, no doubt, in a lot of emotional pain before he died, but what you have to remember is he isn't feeling that pain anymore, and when he went, he knew th…

  • Nicole, Catholic teachings are strict. You have been made to fear he who is supposed to love you, his creation, no matter what. Your guilt alone justifies your actions and grants you reason for forgiveness. It's not like you're doing this to spite God or the church. You're doing it because you're in trouble. Don't tell your parents or anyone from your church - but do seek help elsewhere. And do not ever, ever, ever think that your forgiveness is a lost cause. You have done nothing wrong to be fo…

  • Hi I have studied Christianity at a point in great depth, and I can tell you without doubt that self harm is not exactly a sin, but is most definitely frowned upon by religious concepts (I say concepts to mean God etc). Your body and life are seen to be the most precious gifts that God has granted us, and to damage them willingly is to reject this gift to some extent. This is, however, no work against God, and therefore should not be considered a sin. You need to take a step back and look at thi…

  • That's a good idea, writing it down I'm glad that I've been a help to you, and I hope things go well. If there's anything else I can help you with, please don't hesitate to ask. good luck

  • When a guy thinks that something is wrong with his girlfriend, such as finding out she is self harming, his senses go into hyperdrive. He's looking for any minute change in attitude and blowing it out of proportion because he is worried about you and wants to be there for you. He is misinterpreting these messages and trying to fix something that isn't broken. That's one theory, which is the most likely in this case. The other option is that something is wrong with him and by asking you what's wr…

  • Heya You know, it's not like that all over the world, I assure you. It's just the place that you live in. Some people are cruel because they have learned no different. I am in no way condoling their actions, but I'm just saying that they know no better. Some day, you will have the choice to venture to whatever part of the world you like, and you will no longer need to put up with vicious attacks like that. someday, move somewhere else when you have the choice. Like here haha Cheslyn Hay, where I…

  • Hun I'm sorry to say that that's just a part of growing up. We all make mistakes so that we can learn from them and be happy later on in life. Don't let the mistakes you make get you down, just make sure they don't happen again, whether you're the one who made them or not I'm glad your boyfriend didn't take it hard. It must have been difficult for you, but now you know that your worries were meaningless I feel happy for you, and I hope that your problems will be resolved soon. Is there any way I…

  • Covering a Few Family Issues.

    Tenris - - Friends and Family


    Hello :) Family issues can be hard to handle, and I think I can safely say that all of us have at some point in our lives experienced some form of negative family event. Perhaps some of us have parents who act like they don't care, perhaps families have been torn apart from disagreements, divorces or difficult circumstances - whatever the problem is, there is always a solution to go with it, so don't worry about it too much, and more importantly than anything - never let it get you down. I am go…

  • I hope it's going well I'm sure he will understand and I hope it isn't too difficult for you. One small problem is easy enough to handle, but when more and more add to it, it can become a mountain of problems that just overwhelms you. But don't lose hope! Past mistakes really are in the past. I know that this seems like the usual thing to say, but life really is too short to waste wondering why things went wrong. Put all your efforts into changing the present and the future instead of wondering …

  • Hello Alice May I ask, if it's okay with you - what is it that you feel down about? Obviously you feel that you are origionally depressed, otherwise you would not feel compelled to change your actions to those of a positive nature - so what is the source of your depression? Okay; as for your boyfriend coming to stay, I think that it would be best if you do, for now, try to cover the cuts up if you feel uncomfortable with him knowing. Yes, the chances of him seeing them are great, so perhaps new …

  • Hiya Okay, you could argue that he is being just a close friend from the asking whether you like his clothes and his hair, and perhaps even from hugging a lot - some friends do do this. However, you can't really say that him holding your hand isn't a massive giveaway. To put it simply, he likes you as more than a friend, and it is entirely evident that this is true. Normal guys don't have friends as close as you two are, don't hug each other and don't ask each other about hair or clothes, unless…

  • Hello. I'm going to give you the facts rather than the supportive approach. I think facts would help you more right now. So; here's what I have to say. Cutting does not help you in any way. It releases endorphins in your brain that can make you experience a feeling similar to's an addiction, much like drugs. Origionally, it is designed as a way of your brain telling your body to stop whatever you're doing because you are damaging yourself...repetative disobedience to this natural ins…