Search Results

Search results 1-6 of 6.

  • Don't be phased by the job issue. We are in a time of global depression and I'm seriously struggling myself and I'm almost a full A student. Other than that, my advice to you would be to tell your siblings to stop sayin gwhat they're saying and if they won't stop even when they know how it maeks you feel then you need to learn to live with it and take their opinions with a pinch of salt. Stick with your friends. Theyw ill help you, I am sure.

  • Re: Picture day

    Seanny - - Fashion


    Bah, what your hair looks like is irrelevant.

  • Re: Best condoms to get?

    Seanny - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from seth5: “Shes pregnant...” I lol'd

  • Sounds weird but having sex with a complete strange is obviously the wrong thing to do. You were right to back away.

  • It is impossible for any of us to tell you what his motives may have been if we aren't given anymore information on the matter. My advice would be to confront him and ask him if something is up, if he won't tell you anything or carries on being Mr Mysterious, then wait until he chooses to come to you. If you have any further questions or want mroe advice, PM me!

  • Hey there, my name's Sean and I was interested in trying out Cyber Sex. Maybe getting into an online relationship and seeing how things go further down the line. I'm really interested in that aspect of things. I think it proves that I'm more interested in personality than looks. I don't need to be able to feel you to show how much I love you as a person. My idea is this, I'd like someone (ANYONE) who's interested, to drop me a message. Think of it as a blind date haha. Just to give you a bit of …