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  • This is a tough one, but i'll try to help. Just so you know, i myself have been working to improve my life for some time now, and this is why i'm trying to help you. OK first, why do you need someone else to care for you? How about you care for yourself? Maybe if you cared more for yourself, you would'nt need others to do it. Second, why should you not hate your life? If you hate your life, there are reasons for it. Just because by others standards you should be happy does not mean you are. Just…

  • Re: Needy people...

    rickroll - - Friends and Family


    Why do you care so much? Let her to her misery if she does'nt want help. And for her boyfriend, this guy does'nt think much of himself if he approve that she's with him for is money. If you want to help her, don't ever respond to her whinning. She would'nt do it if it did'nt work!

  • Hi, I have been in a situation that i think is similar and i think i can help a little. First, let me tell you that it's alright that you are angry. That said, it will not help you. When your mother does something annoying, just ignore her and leave. Try to not let her affect you in a negative way. You're not going to feel good if you are angry! Trying to get some (a lot if possible) positive peoples around you might be a good idea too. Second, i read your thing about people believing you are a …