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  • any more advice on what I should do? I think what's been said to him by me is enough.

  • I think it's like... we were both still in "chase mode"....the ball was completely in my court but I just basically was too... flirty I guess. Bit clingy probably

  • OK so... need a bit of advice. A quick history first would help: Luke is a good friend of a few guys I'm pretty good friends with. A while ago me and Luke started texting...he was always quite forward, in some sense he has real low self esteem but would text me alot. I'm kinda...shy I guess, a bit reserved and I wouldn't ever say I liked someone until quite a while. Anyway, to cut a long story and Luke ended up spending quite a bit of time together cause the parents of my friend who li…

  • Re: poison Ivy =[

    Pixie - - Health and Fitness


    Haha sounds good:D

  • I think you look pretty good! Haha do give the hair a tiny cut... but I think hair that length really suits you! Facial hair... give it a go, and snap us a picture!! It can always be shaved off!

  • Re: Friends vs. Family

    Pixie - - Friends and Family


    Family. I'd be extremely close to my extended family too, so my cousins are like brothers and sisters really. But I am a strong believer in friends are the family you choose, and there are a handful of friends I couldn't live without.

  • Re: poison Ivy =[

    Pixie - - Health and Fitness


    Hope the shot makes ya feel better!

  • "The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience."

  • Re: Need help.

    Pixie - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Personally, you don't seem very happy. If this relationship isn't doing some good for the both of you, I'd end it pretty quick.

  • Re: Veins attractive or not?

    Pixie - - General Advice


    I don't think it's gross at all!;)

  • Lads, He came on to get an opinion. If you don't want to reply don't. Manicwolfboy was by no means insulting people who have a problem with it, as he admits himself he used to.

  • Re: *sigh*

    Pixie - - Depression, Self Harm and Suicide


    pomingshee, that was a completely inappropriate and heartless comment, and I hope you're banned from these forums. You need to grow up. Popheart, you are not a failure. You are fighting. Failures give up. Fighters keep trying, even when things don't go as well as they'd hoped. But sometimes things are just too big for us to deal with ourselves. Asking for help is not weak, it's courageous and I really think you need to do so. I really would mention it to your therapist, she needs to know. It's h…

  • I agree with what most people have said. She already probably likes you alot... so don't go completely changing! It's great when a guy acts polite and stuff...but when they're all edgy and basically sweating with nerves... it makes me uneasy! So, be yourself, as someone else said treat her like a friend. Go for a comedy...bit of a laugh to relax you both!

  • I'm a girl so...fights aren't that frequent for me thank god... but if it was one of my friends... I'd say the fear of something going to far when someone's caught up in the moment

  • Re: Guys and make up.

    Pixie - - Fashion


    If it makes you feel confident, go for it buddy!:D

  • ManicWolfBoy, I didn't mean for that to sound patronising at all, so sorry if you took it that way. The point I was making was maybe that is one of the issues or something that could be involved with the cutting. Maybe you're not in the healthiest state of mind as you'd like to be or need to be. Hence why you may not see the cutting as an issue. Do you get what I'm trying to say? Whatever you decide to do I wish you the best of luck, and hope you're happy and healthy.

  • Please don't take this the wrong way, as I don't mean to sound patronising. If you have bipolar disorder, you are not mentally healthy. It is a mental illness.

  • Unfortunately, smoking is commonly connected to sex, so maybe that's why you consider it to be a sexy sort of thing, it's not the first time I've heard that at all. Yeah, You also might enjoy cigarettes...people do - however that's the issue. A person can become addicted very quickly. And although you might enjoy know yourself what the risks are. With all the government warnings, ads etc out nowadays, if someone chooses to smoke, so be it. You know exactly what you're getting yourself i…

  • Re: brunete VS blond

    Pixie - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from saintsman: “brunetts,all blondes are bimbos.” That's quite a generalization to make... one I resent slightly!

  • Re: how warm are you?

    Pixie - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys

