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Search results 1-20 of 121.

  • Youre obviously assuming that I havnt gone through any shit, because frankly Im sure Ive gone through just as much as if not more than you have, and definitely more than the average person must withstand. Again, for the hundredth time, I AM DEPRESSED. I choose to deal with my depression in a way that is only logical, in that changing perspective will ultimately change my depression, and as I said before its near impossible just to start viewing things entirely different cold turkey, it takes a f…

  • You guys taking this too literally, haha. My questioning, per say, is a little more rhetorical than your all making it out to be. These questions aren't so easily answered as you, even I, figure them to be (one or two of them are answerable). Fact of the matter is, you're all right, and you're all wrong, I figure an explanation is necessary because I don't want to go through every question and give my opinion on it. And volleyball, chances are you're never going to change how you feel cold turke…

  • I'm going to answer all of you in one message. sweetcrimefighter: I don't deny my own depression, I merely question its existence, along with everything else. isitso: Your answers are pessimistic, and my interpretation of it seems rather than give answers, you searched for problems with my questions. So in response; Illness/Sickness are so similar that it's splitting hairs to characterize the two as different. Disease, (standing for depression in this case) is not something anybody is 'content' …

  • Why depression is consider a sickness? Why do people succumb to disease instead of finding a cure? Why must one preach death instead of fight for life? What makes your problems different from mine? Why can't you force positive ideals upon yourself? Why you think living a life you feel is worthless makes your life worthless? Why does depression come with understanding? Why I post this topic, challenging all of your problems like they aren't real and don't matter? How I've decided that even though…

  • So here's to being alone To anyone on their own, If anyone's listening And think of me when I'm gone, It's not gonna hurt for long And you can just forget And I can live without regret.

  • Just don't cut. I know that sounds stupid because stopping cold turkey is somewhat ridonkulous, but don't over think your urges. If you know cutting is bad, and you have an urge to cut then why do it? Even more so, think of what it will bring. You of course will get an instant of misguided euphoria and then you'll just feel like shit and want to cut again. So, my advice is when you think of cutting, just tell yourself "no" and keep busy with other things.

  • I'm chock full of that, what's wrong my dear?

  • Whether it's because I'm just lazy or feel overwhelmed by the amount of advice flowing into everyone's threads, I decided to post a topic allowing you to come and post any problems you need help with that you don't feel like telling the world or if you want individual attention. Woo n_n.

  • It seems like it'll pass with time, and as you experience things in life and experience other people you'll eventually start to think differently and so on. The only reasons I could think of for you not wanting any attention whatsoever is that something monumental either happened to you that changed your mind, or it's just a phase of some sort. Try thinking about things differently, don't feel bad for not wanting to connect with anyone, but don't completely disregard the emotion like it's unnece…

  • I used to feel like that a lot, even sometimes I get afraid of death though it's generally a fear of others around me dying, rather than me. What helped me was that I just stopped thinking about it. If I heard a bang in the night I would tell myself I didn't care, and just fall asleep. As for fear of dying, or others dying around me, I would just block out those thoughts like I didn't care, and pretend that I didn't care. I would recommend just doing this, act as though you've got all the time i…

  • Re: Religion? Real or Not

    DaveDaiquiri - - General Advice


    Well religion by all means is real, but that's just a concept so it's not exactly something that can be fake or real, it's like an idea. The things behind it though, such as God and whatnot I believe are all just things we made up in order to answer the unanswerable, because nobody likes to feel insecure knowing there's something unanswered in our life. Basically, I believe that there is no path, there are no favorites in this world or those destined to die, there is no fate, there are just peop…

  • If you believe that you can be there for her whenever she needs you, then take it to heart and follow through, to the best of your ability. If she has no desire to rekindle whatever friendship you had then you're somewhat stuck for the moment, but time changes things, it may not be healing, but things definitely change. I would recommend telling her how you feel, and if she reacts negatively like she doesn't want anything to do with you, just be tolerant of the fact she's pissed and back off for…

  • I'm going to start by saying, and I'm sorry if this insults anyone, that you should not consider depression as a medical diagnosis. Please take not I'm not saying depression isn't a medical issue, but for the sake of helping you it would help if you stop thinking that you can be diagnosed with depression, more so think of it as a state of mind, because that's half of what it is. You've told us what you've been doing and feeling, but you haven't said anything about what's bothering you or why you…

  • I'm sure you've heard what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right? As cheesy as it sounds it really does have some truth to it. Except you only become stronger when you learn something, and move on. For example, it seems that the whole boyfriend crisis and insecurity with men and self conscious behavior is all related to things in the past, you have to learn to let go of all your hardships and just plainly move on. Stop saying no to things or thinking negatively because your scared, and just…

  • Re: It's mah story.

    DaveDaiquiri - - Creative Writing


    Lol I know I know I know.

  • Re: It's mah story.

    DaveDaiquiri - - Creative Writing


    Thanks for the advice sun, and yeah I originally had planned to organize way better, but it ended up being too early and I was just too tired to go through and fix it up. Haha.

  • It's mah story.

    DaveDaiquiri - - Creative Writing


    3:00AM. I've been here for a while, God knows how long. But it's more than just a physical presence, I've been in this state of mind for longer than I can remember. Ignoring that hyperbolic statement, I've actually been like this for about a year and a half. Granted that you're willing to continue reading, I'd like to start by saying I'm not you're average person. What is average anyways? To be honest for all I know I could be average, and my hyperbole oriented thoughts could be distorting my ev…

  • Do it. People tend to over think doing things, because they're afraid of the reaction because nobody likes to get rejected, am I right? Well, I'd recommend forgetting about rejection or what he may or may not say or do, the trick is to be completely oblivious to the outcome, and just start a conversation. I'm not saying message him without caring like "omg I love you <33#333#", but just message him without caring about if he's going to ignore you or be smitten. Just go for it, and be positive eh…

  • Just do it, straight up. Don't think about all the stuff that may or may not happen, just pretend that everything will be okay, and you'll end up finding out that it will be, even if it doesn't turn out like you plan. I want to be really successful too, and I've found that when I think about it, I start to think of how nice it'd be to be famous or something, and then I start to think of how I'd reach that point, then it goes downhill when I realize it's a ridiculous idea. But really people who a…

  • Re: ;/

    DaveDaiquiri - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Do things you don't want to do without consideration of yourself. I'm not trying to be a dick or sound stupid, I'm dead serious, be apathetic for a minute, and just do something, yadidamayne?