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Search results 1-8 of 8.

  • ohhhh i get it. Well, you know what, do not engage in that kind of situation okay? you are very young and you know what? He is with someone, and its best if you find someone you can call your own. Keep distance and tell him that you wont wait for him, and that if he's single, he knows where to find you...

  • Yes you do have a crush on her, otherwise you wouldnt blog about it here right? =) well, since she is already your friend on facebook, why dont you try to message her and ask about something like where is she planning to go for college etc etc.. just message her with casual conversation. Oh, and dont go stalking her with binoculars.. hehe just kiddin!

  • well, it seems like she doesnt mind being around you, but the question is, would it be okay to be around you alone? Well, you will never know until you give it a try right? There is nothing wrong with asking, ask her in a friendly way and make sure it sound like it wasnt really planned so much...

  • So what if that girl is all over him? as long as your guy stays straight on your side, then do not feel insecure, hey, you are the girlfriend, youre the one that he wants to be committed to, so hold your head up high, lets that girl be, but if something goes over board, make sure youd know the proper way to handle it. Goodluck sweetie!

  • Set up a dinner, better yet cook dinner to prove you are ready for something bigger, do it yourself first, dont bring your fiance, so atleast if he takes it badly, it wont greatly affect your fiance. Tell him that you are ready and youd want nothing more than his blessing. Goodluck!!

  • hey you know what, we all have our dream girls or dream boys and we have to accept sometimes that we are not who they want and you should know where to draw the line, crush on her but do not obsess on her, if you think that it will ruin you and school, it would be best that you remove her from your facebook friends. There are lots of girls around, you should learn to appreciate some other girls. Good Luck honey!

  • Do something that would help him loose weight like engage in sports or dancing etc. Do not tell him this directly, tell him that you think it would be fun, be an active couple. Do not leave him because of this, it is a really shallow reason but I wouldnt blame you too for looking at other hunks, but do not take it far. Good Luck dear!

  • you know what.. i bet you are really young and you are a decent looking man. After 25 years of living, i rest assure you that there will be more beautiful girls in and out that will come your way. So, dont worry...