Search Results

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  • d-bags have CONFIDENCE to initiate conversation. nice guys sit around and want her to make the move because. so basically "NICE GUYS FINISH LAST!"

  • dude its illegal and you can get sued...NOT WORTH IT!

  • mr. failure

    beastman92 - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    why am i such a fail with girls? i do everything right from the book, but nothing works. im way behind all my friends when it comes to girls and im the oldest (at 17). i havent even gone on a date with another girl ever. i consider myself a failure compared to my brother and dad, who were both "womanizers" in highschool and i cant even get to the plate. the girls say i look like a 12/13 year old and they want someone that looks older. what the heck do i do? i keep working my butt to get someone,…