Search Results

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  • Re: What song describes how you feel?

    40ounces - - Music


    Grown Man - Weezy haha

  • To the OP: Do you any recommendations? I find myself laughing at them for how stupid they are. Maybe I've been watching all the wrong ones haha.

  • Re: Zombieland

    40ounces - - Films, TV and Books


    One of the best comedies I've seen for awhile. I heard that the actors are wanting to do a sequel and maybe even a trilogy for the movie because they had such a good time making the movie. I wish I could remember where I read it.

  • Alright so I don't really need help because I usually just go with the flow but I was just gonna see what some of your opinions may be on the situation. Alright so I'm supposed to be chillin with this new girl tonight (Tuesday night). She's wanting to go the beach...I drive a Jeep so I'll probably be riding out on the beach. Just wondering what some of you guys would suggest doing. Should I grab some firewood because it's getting chilly outside? or just sit in the jeep with the heater on and "ta…