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Search results 1-20 of 161.

  • Re: Bleeding... =[

    crazybeautiful1789 - - General Advice


    Well I think if I was pregnant i'd be feeling the symptoms or something. And the reason I think i'm hurt is because I get pains in my vagina...not like up in my stomach or anything and it feels like little pinches then I bleed. But I can't get in to see any gynocologist anytime soon so I think tommorrow i'm just gonna go to the hospital. I wanted to get a pregnancy test just so I could rule that out but my mom won't take me to get one and I would go to get one myself but I don't have a car. I gu…

  • Re: hair down there

    crazybeautiful1789 - - Teen Sexuality


    I do both. I like to be unshaved...and sometimes I like to have hair down there but not bushy or anything, just a little patch. It depends on what mood i'm in lol.

  • Re: Bleeding... =[

    crazybeautiful1789 - - General Advice


    The first few months my mom was pregnant with me she was still having her period and still using birth control so she didn't know she was pregnant until she started throwing up and stuff. But I really don't think that's what it is but you never know. And i've never spotten between periods before...ever.

  • I've only had sex with one guy and it's the very first guy I fell in love with. It was the most amazing thing. I've been with him for over two years and I would never regret it.

  • I agree. I think personality is a lot more important than looks, although looks do matter to an extent. You have to be somewhat attracted. I would rather have someone that was ok looking but had a great personality than someone was was really attractive but was an asshole.

  • Haha. I walked in on my mom and her boyfriend at the time and you know what... he started laughing...he thought it was funny and my mom was kinda freakin out lol.

  • Bleeding... =[

    crazybeautiful1789 - - General Advice


    Alright, I posted this is another place but I got no replies and i'm kinda freaking out and I really need someones advice. So, about three days ago I started bleeding. Not really heavy, but not light enough to consider spotting either. But it's not my period because I got off of my period 2 weeks ago. I thought maybe my boyfriend hurt me while we were having sex (and no it's not my first time, we've been together and having intercourse for around 2 years). But I think if he would have hurt me I …

  • I don't drink and I don't smoke. And those who choose not to drink or smoke aren't missing out on a thing because it's pointless and it's not healthy. =]

  • I do tae bo also. It works really well. And I go out and run a mile a few days a week.

  • Bleeding... =[

    crazybeautiful1789 - - Health and Fitness


    So, about three days ago I started bleeding. Not really heavy, but not light enough to consider spotting either. But it's not my period because I got off of my period 2 weeks ago. I thought maybe my boyfriend hurt me while we were having sex (and no it's not my first time, we've been together and having intercourse for around 2 years). But I think if he would have hurt me I would have felt a pain or something. I forgot to take one of my birth control pills about a week ago so I thought maybe tha…

  • To be honest I think stereotypes are dumb. We are who we are and we shouldn't be put into groups or labeled. Stereotypes are for those who havn't grown up yet.

  • Alright. I'm getting just a bit annoyed here. I've been hearing a lot of talk about Obama and how he may be the anti christ and how the world is coming to an end. People think that just because Obama is for abortion and such [yes, i'm against abortion] they think, Oh! "He must be the anti christ". I may be wrong but aren't people not suppose to suspect the anti christ and most people are suppose to like him? And people think that just because of all these earthquakes and funky weather has been h…

  • Quote from Sn4ke: “The world is cruel. There are no good moments...wake up and realize this for once.” Dude...and I thought I was negative. There are good moments in life...and if you keep that attitude up it's no wonder you don't have any good moments in life. Life DOES suck a lot of the time...but not ALL of the time.

  • I don't think there is one specific meaning in life. I think each of us has our own meaning in life. To me, I think it's to live life the best we can, make the best of it, and be happy. And hopefully change the world for the better.

  • This is completely random but... There very well may or may not be a god....but I don't see the use in debating over this because everyone has their own belief and no one is going to sway anyone in a different direction because most of us are already dead set on if we believe or not. It sounds like all we're trying to do is convince one another that our belief is right...when honestly none of us know for sure or not.

  • I did explain it to him but it doesn't seem to help because he doesn't see how it affects me...which I think is being very inconsiderate. But then again, you all are right. I think I should just let it go because it's not like he is an alcoholic and I do trust him. I don't think i'm being very fair so I think i'm just going to deal with it. I don't want to take away from him the things he enjoys because I love him.

  • You know what...i've been thinking and it would be very stupid to start drinking. For ANYONE. It's not healthy and it makes people unaware. I really don't think it would be worth it. There's no point.

  • Need advice please.

    crazybeautiful1789 - - General Advice


    Ok. I don't understand why everyone has to drink. I feel out of place right now because all my friends drink and get drunk and everyone in my family has gotten drunk, and my boyfriend drinks but not to the point where he gets drunk. People make me feel like a loser or someone who doesn't know how to have fun just because I havn't gotten drunk before, but then again I feel kind of proud because i'm the only one of them that hasn't. I am completely against drinking but in a way I feel like I have …

  • In the back of my boyfriends explorer...I made the first move and it was amazing.

  • This might not be a big deal to a lot of people because a lot of people drink. But i'm really big on the whole no alchohol thing. I think it's in part because my dad was an alcoholic and when I was young he beat my brother and my mom. So that's why i'm really sensitive about it. boyfriend drinks a little, like a beer or two a night but not to the point where he's drunk. He's not of drinking age yet...he's 20 years old. It really really upsets me...probably more than it should because I t…