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Search results 1-20 of 235.

  • I got pregnant in October of 2009. My parents don't know, only my husband(fiance at the time) and my best friend know. I had an abortion on November 21st 2009 and I don't regret it because it was the best choice I could have made for myself at the time.

  • As long as they're under 35, attractive and going somewhere in life, I'd give them a chance to see if we click.

  • Re: My mom is ignorant..

    Kerosene - - Friends and Family


    You're fairly ignorant as well if you cannot understand she just is likely either old fashioned or has her own views. That being said, you are still able to date whomever you want. Don't get your panties in a knot.

  • Long story short,she's 42 years old now,still alive. I was her second child at 22 years old. There was only one listing for her that I found in the entire province and I called it. The woman who picked up sounded like she could be early 40s but I was too chicken shit to say anything so I just covered the receiver and listened to her saying hello. Today, I googled the address I found and it came up as a long term care facility which makes sense as she was so fucked up on drugs when she had me,she…

  • Re: I Love my parents.

    Kerosene - - Friends and Family


    I love my parents as well, but for the most part, i can't tolerate my mother. They have moved 1600km away and I find our relationship has gotten better but we'll never be very close.

  • Re: sexual harrassment?

    Kerosene - - General Advice


    Quote from Angelbee: “omg, they are kids people, it's a young teenage boy who doesn't know how to talk to girls, why make a police report and fill this kids life with complications and have him go through school with a record of "sexual harassment" when he's doing nothing wrong. The people who say you should call the cops are uptight idiots, seriously, hes just talking, nothing more, no need to get out of hand and call the police, that's a very bad way to handle it, at most tell your mom not the…

  • Re: sexual harrassment?

    Kerosene - - General Advice


    Quote from Izzie :): “Yeah but going to the Police for something like that would be ridiculous, because he doesnt seem to know/think he's doing anything wrong, so atleast give him a chance, lightly tell him to stop, and as for the pictures, well you only think, I dunno about that one xx” Suggesting that she not do what she can to make herself feel comfortable and safe around her own home is ridiculous. But you know, that's just me.

  • Re: sexual harrassment?

    Kerosene - - General Advice


    The people who are saying this isn't sexual harassment are fucktards. Sexual harassment doesn't cover just "touching". Even something as little as cat calls(whistles) can be considered sexual harassment. If it makes you uncomfortable, tell your mother or make a report to the police, especially if you're a minor.

  • It's really not something I can help though-shrug- I've worked in an environment where I had to deal with these people daily and I was miserable. Im sure they are great people, I am just completely put off wanting to get to know them if I can't understand what they're saying. I'm sure if you were completely unattracted to a girl to the point where you were almost saying to yourself "omg gross", you wouldn't sleep with her am I right? It's pretty much the same way with me and people who can't spe…

  • That's the thing though. I've been exposed to it for awhile now and it still irks me. It takes a good majority of my willpower not to start twitching in annoyance when I hear them talk. Also, I'm fine with some accents though. Scottish,Irish,British,English etc. Really the only Normal-english speaking type of accent I want to smack out of people is the southern accent.Other than that it's all the asian accents,middle eastern etc. I can't even think of all of them.

  • So, I've always grown up in the city and such but it was a small city. There wasn't A LOT of diversity but there was some. I never really grew accustomed to understanding thick accents and dealing with people who couldn't speak clear and proper English. I moved to Toronto for several months about a year ago now, and I absolutely hated it, mostly because I couldn't stand all the people who couldn't speak English very well. I mean, I'm no English teacher, but at least what I say is clear and easy …

  • Re: Help please!!!!

    Kerosene - - Friends and Family


    Honestly?Perhaps you should get a job and buy your own shit? Or support your family with it? Then you may understand that there are better things to spend money on than a phone or whatever it is.I'm sure they don't like not being able to give you what you asked for, but you can always get a job and buy it yourself if it's that important to you.

  • Quote from Traveling Star™: “Depends on his location if they would allow 16 year olds to work in a factory or a warehouse. Maybe you should apply at a grocery store to bag items. It doesn't require much conversation.” That's true. I worked in one at 16 simply because my dad was high up in the company and got me in.

  • They can't take you simply because you have a speech problem. The only time they can refuse employment based on any sort of disability is if they feel it will effect your work ability. Perhaps apply for jobs where you won't be dealing with the public? For example, instead of a cashier at mcdonalds, perhaps apply for something in the kitchens? Or warehouses,factories etc. There are ways to overcome speech impediments though. My second cousin was an alcohol baby(his mom was an alcoholic and drank …

  • New hair-Help?:)

    Kerosene - - Fashion


    So I dyed my hair today. I look much better with dark hair than I do with light hair. But i was wondering what I should do with the style? I'm open to almost anything that doesn't include cutting. I will never EVER cut my hair again. EVER. Before Newhair.jpg Newhair3.jpg newhair6.jpg Okay, gimme Ideas:)

  • Lol I hope you realize that in law enforcement, you have to be subjective. Something you clearly need to work on. In either case, my bad. Your personality comes across very masculine. My mistake.

  • Quote from Cop2be: “She ASKED me to turn out a light. I TOLD her i'd take care of it. I wasn't the one who started arguing. If you read what I posted you'll see I told her my solution, basically telling her it would be taken care of, then she sent me 3, not just one BUT 3 text in a row, starting crap. Sorry, I don't roll over and play dead.” She asked you to turn it off, not cover your door. You're 20. Take your balls out of your pocket and move out of your mother's house if you don't like it.

  • Generally about an hour or so, not including foreplay. Depends on how much time we've got though. We're busy people.

  • If you're 20 and still living in her house, I don't see why you're arguing at all to be perfectly honest.

  • Re: Ladies, I have a question!

    Kerosene - - Teen Sexuality


    Actually, It's been proven that guys generally think about sex a lot more often than every 10 minutes. But it varies for girls as well as guys. I have a much higher sex drive than my husband, so even if we have sex once or twice a day, I still watch porn and masturbate everyday as well. I'm not very good at hiding when Im horny either.-shrug-