
    • Hey guys,

      Basically... Ive been with this guy for about a month now, Im so smitten with him and Ive really fallen for him. But he treats me like absolute crap. Heres some examples of what hes done:

      - Smashed my face into a plate of food.
      - Put his hands around my neck when hes drunk.
      - Got a boy (A really ugly boy) to suck him off infront of my face while he was drunk.
      - When he's drunk and clubbing he'll dance with loads of guys, show them his ass and stuff and act like he doesn't even have a boyfriend.

      All of my friends are telling me to finish things with him before they get worse, but I just dont know :'/ the thought of losing him brings me to tears.
    • LEAVE him. Honestly, I don't even care if this is a gay relationship, the core to any relationship is respect, honesty and all the other important factors. Abuse is enough to leave someone, but with the extra 3 points, it's just proof you need to leave him, right now.. Right this second, DO IT.
    • Yeah, but it's actually bringing myself to do it that I'm finding difficult.

      I can't even begin to explain how much I actually love this guy, but I feel like he's destroying me at the same time. Because I'm sad more than I am happy since I've been in a relationship with him. Everytime I say I'm gonna dump him, I see him again, or I speak to him on the phone and everything's suddenly OK again...
    • dude, he is domestically, physically, and emotionally abusing you. I know how hard it is to break away from someone you love but you aren't doing you or him any favors by staying in this relationship. If you need to, find a support group or a domestic abuse hotline and they will help you get out of this situation safely. You are too great to let someone else hurt you. If you need to, get angry. It helped me.
      20/M/Suquamish, WA, USA/Gay
      Ask me anything - www.formspring.me/jaythefay
      Watch my videos! - www.youtube.com/user/jaythefay
    • SE7EN wrote:

      LEAVE him. Honestly, I don't even care if this is a gay relationship, the core to any relationship is respect, honesty and all the other important factors. Abuse is enough to leave someone, but with the extra 3 points, it's just proof you need to leave him, right now.. Right this second, DO IT.

      Matt pretty much got this one. You need to get out. He obviously doesn't respect you in the least. When you love someone, or even respect someone, there's no way you would EVER smash their face in some food. And the one I have the worst time with is the putting his hands around your neck when he's drunk. Violence is never okay. Whether he's drunk or sober, if he does it once, he'll do it again and it'll probably get worse. For your safety, get out. Now.
    • Heather wrote:

      Matt pretty much got this one. You need to get out. He obviously doesn't respect you in the least. When you love someone, or even respect someone, there's no way you would EVER smash their face in some food. And the one I have the worst time with is the putting his hands around your neck when he's drunk. Violence is never okay. Whether he's drunk or sober, if he does it once, he'll do it again and it'll probably get worse. For your safety, get out. Now.

      x2 LEAVE HIM!
      [SIZE=3][SIZE=3]My heartis taken <3[/SIZE]
      [SIZE=3]What can i say? [/SIZE][SIZE=3]i'm just different ")[/SIZE]
    • Yeh everyone above is right. You need to ask yourself... IS it really worth sticking with the relationship? If my boyfriend did this kinda crap to me we'd be over long ago. I know it's super dooper hard, but in the long run it's the best thing to do. Think of it as an opportunity to get back out there and find someone you truly deserve sooner rather then later.
      [LEFT][COLOR="Black"]“Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.”[/COLOR][/LEFT]
      [COLOR="DarkRed"][RIGHT]Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore - Just chillin' out down here at Kings Cross Station y'all! It's a bit foggy though... what's up with that?[/RIGHT][/COLOR]
    • SMOKE. wrote:

      Jesus, fuck I know you're gay but that doesn't mean you can't be a man.... go get your balls back and tell this guy to fuck off

      I couldn't have said it better myself. Do you want to be a doormat for the rest of your life? Or do you want to start sticking up for yourself?

      Krasseevaya;2715094 wrote:

      [CENTER][SIZE=3]I kissed my best friend.[/SIZE][SIZE=3][/SIZE] [SIZE=3]But she was high, and I just wanted to see if she tasted like chocolate cake.[/SIZE][/CENTER]
    • So if you still love him and want to make things work i think i have an idea,
      try seeing a counsler, not a shrink! A counsler that specilizes in relesinship, because as horibble as this person seems, he might not be trying to hurt you but he might have deep truma which a counsler can fix, but this could be a hard thing to do and it might take time so only do it if you truly love him.

    • midgetman wrote:

      So if you still love him and want to make things work i think i have an idea,
      try seeing a counsler, not a shrink! A counsler that specilizes in relesinship, because as horibble as this person seems, he might not be trying to hurt you but he might have deep truma which a counsler can fix, but this could be a hard thing to do and it might take time so only do it if you truly love him.


      Ahhhh, no.
      They not need a counsellor, he just needs to dump him.
      I'm sorry, but if someone even dared physically hurt me like the OP has been hurt, I would have dumped him straight away and gotten him arrested (hell, if it were legal, I would have shoved a butcher's cleaver up his ass). That is not love, that is abuse.
      The OP deserves better than that piece of shit.
      OP, trust us, dump him. Get rid of him. You deserve someone who truly loves you. I don't care if he was molested as a child by a psychotic clown with a bondage fetish, you DO NOT deliberately hurt someone why smashing their face into a plate of food and try and choke them.
    • Ok,
      let me say why, i have given my suggestion.
      If the OP leaves this person, he is going to do this to another person and he is going to keep doing this to more people, untill he either ends up dead of in jail for a reason that could have been fixed, either way it ends bad and the OP feals like pretty bad. So I wanted to give a soloution that would would benefit everyone, and come for love not hate.
    • Awwwwhh you poor thing ... I am so sorry he is doing that to you. I wouldn't stay with him if I were you. Why don't you go out yourself and look for other guys.You never know you could find a guy that you like a lot better than him. In fact I am sure you will because your just that amazing! Don't give up! But you really need to let him go and maybe you can still be friends.