
    • so ive been pregnant before, but when i was 15, it was unplanned and the father wanted nothing to do with it. alot of things were going on then so i got an abortion, which i was not happy about.

      ive always wanted to be a younger mom, for alot of reasons. i know its not the smartest idea, but i believe i should live my life the way i want, i only live once. so ive been with my new boyfriend for not that long, but we immediatly fell in love. were perfect for eachother, hes 18 and has his life on track. i am doing really well as well. we both want to try and start having a baby really soon, but my mom of course thinks its not the best idea, all though she will support me either way. what should i do? do what i want for a chance or do things her way?
    • Re: prenancy

      Do things her way. Having a baby at 18 is NOT a smart idea at all. Theres no guarantee that your current boyfriend will stay with you right now, baby or not. You guys may be in love right now, wait a few years, if you're still in love and doing well, THEN try. What about college? A job? How would you support the child? Where would you guys live? If you break up, can he pay child support? Can you afford college for him? What about daycare? Diapers? I know the feeling of wanting to be a mom, but you have to think about the child before you think about yourself. Would it really be best for him/her to be brought in to this world right now?

      “We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are.”
      -J.K. Rowling
    • Re: prenancy

      No 18 year old has their lives on trac even though they think they do. My brother for example, he's one of the most mature young men that I know and he's not ready to be a father. No 18 year old is ready to be a father.
      What about school? It wont be the same after you have a baby, of course having a baby is no excuse for you not to continue your schooling becuase my mom could complete med school with 2 children.

      I mean go ahead if you want it's your choiuce, you are legally an adult now. But Im just saying.
    • Re: prenancy

      I agree with Linda. Remember that this is a huge responsibility, it's not just about doing what you want, but doing what's best for you (and a baby). It's fantastic that you've found such a great guy, but also keep in mind that some people are together for years before they break up.

      Having a baby will alter your life more drastically than you could imagine.

      What other reasons do you have for wanting to be a younger mom? You only live once, but you still have plenty of time.
    • Re: prenancy

      I'm guessing you're looking for honest opinions?

      Here goes;
      You're 18.
      Your boyfriend is 18.
      No matter how mature you think you are and how "on track" you think your life is, it's not.
      You're going to look back to the age you are now in a few years and realize how stupid and immature you are compared to 5-10 years down the road, everybody does.
      Mature for your age?Maybe, but mature enough to handle a child? Doubtful.

      Take my brother for example. He dated the same girl for 7 years.
      They thought they were perfect for each other, had their future all planned out.
      She cheated on him and dumped him when they were 23. Your boyfriend could do the same.

      If you think you're perfect for each other and have your lives on track, get married first, buy a house, work full time jobs to pay bills and just barely get by financially for the first 5 years.
      See how perfect you are for each other then, much less how perfect an idea having a damn child will be.

      Until you
      a. Have your own place
      b.Have secure careers and financially comfortable without relying on family to help support you
      c. Have medical benefits for said child
      d. Stop thinking that "I'm mature for my age and my boyfriend is barely legal and has his life on track" is a good excuse to have a child

      You are NOT ready to have a child and I pity any child brought into this world under those conditions.
      [CENTER][SIZE=2] [/SIZE][SIZE=2]Shonna[/SIZE][SIZE=2]| 21 years old | Ontario, Canada | Private Investigator
      Kraft Photography[/SIZE]