Just need some quick help

    • Just need some quick help

      Well, I'm just an average student. And she's, a very popular cheerleader. I make sure to be nice to her, and her friends. I'll overhear about things she says that we have in common, then talk about them a day later, and try to let her to overhear. I try to show/explain my talents to my friends around her like, magic, guitar, etc... And every now and then we small talk( even though it's mostly about cheerleading. I'm in martial arts, so I'm VERY flexible. And in some ways more than her.) But anyway, I want to become a close friend of hers without making myself seem like a creep.

      So far I've decided to try to connect with her and become friends this year, and next year when I'm a freshman. I'll be a lot taller ( height is a big deal at my school, and I'm In the shortie-average area ), and hopefully I'll be outgoing enough to try to take it to a higher level and ask her out.

      Am I doing the right thing?

      Sorry if this was extremely confusing. I just thought I'd get a better answer if I explained everything.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by xXSamoyedXx ().

    • Re: Just need some quick help

      I think so, but you have to have some confidence in yourself! Her status and your status mean nothing, even though you may think it does. Height has nothing to do with your personality, and if you show her that you're interested in her and you have things in common, I think that would win you big points.

      “We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are.”
      -J.K. Rowling