Sometimes I wish

    • Sometimes I wish

      Ok, half the dudes here will say this is gay and what not, but anyway...

      I am very look-conscious when it's about acne. I can ignore it all day, and have fun, but at the end of the day, I just end up staring myself in the mirror and hating what I see. Girlish.

      A friend today found out I cut, and so he was like "What the fuck dude? Do you know girls do this?!" I am whiny, I cry, I cut, so sometimes I wish I was a girl, because it's just natural to them, and the world wouldn't be so opposed to it.

      I think breasts are very awesome, and girls can also wear any clothing- women and men. They don't have public erection issues either. I also like their long hair, and light voices. Their smiles are awesome too.

      Just felt like letting it out somewhere, completely and honestly.
      Oh, I'm 17 by the way.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by SimplePlan: added age ().

    • Re: Sometimes I wish

      this is not gay or girlish.... i dont understand y people believe if ur a girl ur emotional and if ur a boy ur not... this simply is not true... guys and girls or both emotional and have worries about normal things like acne ..... ive actually met more guys that cut then girls... i think the stryotype they put on men to emotionless drones is fing stupid... dont be ashamed for ur emtions love them :)
    • Re: Sometimes I wish

      I'm a really sensitive person and don't really have guy friends at school. I only have friends that are girls because they understand me better and aren't jerks to me. So guys and girls have emotions and what alexandrarayanova said, people just have stupid expectations on how guys and girls should act in the public eye but really who gives a shit. It's your life and live it the way you want to. Who cares how you act?
    • Re: Sometimes I wish

      I study psychology and we've talked about this
      there is NO difference in the nerveous system of a guy and a girl, as in we all experience emotions in the same way. That being said, there are more or less emotional people, but that has to do not with gender but with extra and introversion. So, all of this "only girls are emotional" crap is nothing but nurture (cultural)
      It's better to be smart than pretty and useless
      First you find out what you have, Dad would say. Then you figure out how to make it work for what you need, cause you don't get what you want. You get what you have and no more.
    • Re: Sometimes I wish

      First, cutting is not something that should be done by any means. Counselling is obviously needed and as for liking breasts, their long hair and light voices; that is completely natural. Its the complete opposite of most guys and if its something youre attracted to theres nothing wrong with it. As for wanting to be a girl is it just because you think we have it easier off with certain issues or because you want to be a girl. Theres nothing wrong with that, there are thousands of transgendered people across the world.