The Closet

    • Re: The Closet

      I'm pansexual but I haven't told any of my family or anything. Does that count as being in the closet if it's not gay or bi? Oh well. Either way, I kinda think it matters if you're in the closest. In fact I think it really matters. My opinion on it, is that you should be yourself. Love who you love and be who you are and if anyone doesn't like you for you, well fuck 'em basically. We don't need them. I kinda think it's like being fake if you're in the closet, just not as bad.
    • Re: The Closet

      I've lost my fingertips clawing a hole, and am peeking through it. There are a few people (well, 10+ish) that I know know, but I there are a lot more people who think they know but haven't heard it from me after some dick told everyone.

      As for it mattering, I suppose it does. I'm not exactly living like I should in the closest, and am pretending to be someone I'm not. But I'm happy without my fingertips looking through a little hole for the moment.
    • Re: The Closet

      I am and I'm not. Most of my friends know and if you ask me I'll tell you but my parents and family don't know except for my sister. I pretty much live how I want to and don't care to much about what other people think. Only thing is that I have to lie to my parents every so often when I'm going to something overly gay like pride or the clubs :P I don't think my parents would have any problem with me being gay I'm just not ready to tell them yet. So I guess I have like my foot and arm out of the closet door
    • Re: The Closet

      I'm out to pretty much everyone but my dad. I'm sure I'll tell him sooner or later but I'm not sure how he feels about gay people so I'm keeping my mouth shut for right now. I came out to my mom, 3 of my sisters, my brother, my grandma, and one of my friends. I'm definitely not gonna hide it anymore, I love being a lesbian. I'm proud of being gay so I think coming out of the closet is probably the biggest relief I've ever had. I think it's important to come out, but if you've got a family like my girlfriend's got you might wanna keep it on the DL lol, crazy Christians who will either try to "change" you or kick you out of the house. :(
      Homosexuality is God's way of ensuring that the truly gifted aren't burdened with children.
    • Re: The Closet

      I'm only in the closet to my parents, all of my friends know except for one that I just started hanging out with since moving. I think everyone who doesn't know is suspicious about it though, since I moved I've been using Skype to see and talk to my girlfriend when I'm not there and my parents have overheard us talking, saying things like "baby" and "I love you".

      I think it matters a great deal, it feels good to have people who know and accept you for who you are. I also think it's easier to find people just like you when your out, and definitely easier to date.

      [CENTER]I want to be fluent in your body language.[/CENTER]
    • Re: The Closet

      For me, I'm not so much as in the closet as it is that I will tell a person when I deem it necessary. It's like my preference in food, or movies, or what have you. It's none of your business until I think you need to know. That being said, if someone asks me straight up, I'll more than likely tell them the truth, unless there is a very good reason I should not tell them.
    • Re: The Closet

      icy wrote:

      How many of you are in it?
      Me...I'm deep,deep in the closet. I wonder if I can find Narnia ^^

      Does it even matter if you come out or not?

      I am too in deep deep closet. For me I think it matters a lot. I depend too much on my parents and my friends and school that I don't dare to see how they would react. It is difficult I know. I would like to introduce my bf to my parents with happy face, but I can't. With my friends I have to endure all these jokes about gays and pretend to be laughing or at least being indifferent. All these lies hurt me.
      But knowing my father who is openly anti gay and knowing general attitudes at school I think it is much safer to stay in closet for coming few years.
      who knows, and maybe it is still only a "gay phase" with me. We'll see.