WFG safe?

    • WFG stands for World Financial Group.
      I was recruited by a random stranger one day and he was apparently senior marketing director. He introduced me and told me about WFG and invited me to one of their meetings, where they talked about what WFG is and what they do and such. I was listed as guest and about 30 guests were there and rest were all members of WFG. After the meeting, the person who recruited me talked about how I can make my own business and make money. I was excited that i can get a job so I quickly said 'yes' to the next meeting and 'yes' to his work place he will take me to.
      I thought it was too good to be true because the way they were talking to people and saying uneducated people can get a job and learn about financial marketing and such.
      I got home and did a little research and I found out majority of reviews were told that it was a scam. How you have to pay $100 for a background check and only way to become successful is sellout your friends and family and able to recruit people.
      Can anyone tell me more about this WFG and how it is a scam?
      I thought it was a good opportunity for me to get a job but if its a scam, then there is no point for me right?