Do I need to go through a bachelor's, then get a masters?

    • Re: Do I need to go through a bachelor's, then get a masters?

      In order to be accepted for a masters degree you will need a bachelor's with very good marks, or more commonly, a bachelors with Honours (and still good marks).
      You can only really get away without Honours if you have significant experience in the field you want to undertake masters in.

      Not many people in the world would be capable of moving straight to a masters degree without doing a bachelors first, they would lack the academic discipline and experience to write their thesis (unless you're talking about an American masters, which is often just coursework. If so, be aware that they are less valued internationally for that much of the time.
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    • Re: Do I need to go through a bachelor's, then get a masters?

      Bachelors > Masters > Doctoral

      That is the process on how to get degrees. Now as stated before you need good marks/grades and really without honors or lots of experience within the field you more then likely won't get into a decent school for the higher two.