How do I help my close friend cure his little social anxiety problem?

    • How do I help my close friend cure his little social anxiety problem?

      His social anxiety isn't really bad but it's bad enough that every time me and my other friends want to hang out with somebody new, he doesn't want too and would rather lock himself up in his house and just watch TV or something. Don't get me wrong, he's a pretty cool guy and is able to mask his problem in public very well, so it's more of an annoying issue for me... He's outgoing and social when it comes to communicating with me and some of my friends, but when it comes to meeting new people, he might as well be in a shell.

      Any of you guys have ideas/tips that will help?

      The post was edited 2 times, last by V1NC3 ().

    • Re: How do I help my close friend cure his little social anxiety problem?

      Chances are if you drag him along with you somewhere, it'll only make him feel worse.
      If you're gonna invite him with some of your other friends, keep it to 1 or 2 max. Make sure to talk to him lots as well, Social Anxiety isn't something that just goes away, and he'll feel more comfortable with less people.
    • Re: How do I help my close friend cure his little social anxiety problem?

      Hipster wrote:

      Chances are if you drag him along with you somewhere, it'll only make him feel worse.
      If you're gonna invite him with some of your other friends, keep it to 1 or 2 max. Make sure to talk to him lots as well, Social Anxiety isn't something that just goes away, and he'll feel more comfortable with less people.

      He does feel comfortable with less people but its fine if everyone is a person that he's very close with, like me and 2 or 3 of my friends. We all usually hang out together, but you're right, when I go to his house and its just me and him, inviting a third person is the last thing on his mind
    • Re: How do I help my close friend cure his little social anxiety problem?

      It'll have to be something he has to work with himself, I think. I have anxiety problems as well (that I'm trying to overcome), and while it's gotten better for me, I don't do well with a few people I don't know. If it's just 1 person I don't know, I usually can get along fine. Even with groups of friends i'm fine.
      I don't think there is too much you can do for your friend, besides offering help, and not pushing him into the spotlight :p