Sexual Abuse

    • Sexual Abuse

      I just wanted to share with you all a bit on sexual abuse. If this is happening to you, find someone that you trust and talk with them. NEVER let anyone scare you into keeping quiet. They may threaten you or threaten your family, but this is just a scare tactic. They are going to be in more trouble than you can imagine.
      At the same time though, please NEVER lie or make this up on anyone, it can ruin a persons entire life.You will have to live with the guilt as long as you live.
      If there is not anyone you can trust, go to a school councelor. Be sure to tell them why you can not trust a family member with this info.
      Too many families like to sweep this kind of thing under the rug and that is very bad for everyone involved. The abuse may get worse, you will feel dirty the rest of your life and have big issues, they may feel they got away with it and move on to your baby sister or baby brother or someone else. You will feel guilt there as well, because you know you could have tried and stoped it but didn't.
      Never feel dirty and ashamed, you are not the one with the problem, the creep sicko who is doing this sort of thing is the one who should feel dirty!
    • Re: Sexual Abuse

      I know this is a bad thing to think about or to talk about or to admit to anyone if this kind of thing is going on. But living with it is very bad for you in your mind and your life and everything and everyone around you. Years later it may still haunt your thoughts and dreams.
      But can not understand why criminals use this as a reason why they are sick in the head. If it happen to them when they where young, they know what kind of pain it brings so why inflict that pain on another? I just don't understand it at all.
    • Re: Sexual Abuse

      If you're a victim of sexual abuse, you shouldn't be scared of him instead go to the police and make a report. That sick man should be placed in bars. You're not dirty if you got abused. You're emotionally wounded and your wounds will only heal if justice is served.