Parent and School related Pressure

    • Parent and School related Pressure

      I am so sick and tired of my parents telling me where I should go to college. Do they really think I am dumb and I cannot make decision on my own? Seriously, I know they care but if I hear one more word about my damn grades or college, I am going to check myself into a little white room with a strait jacket and never come out. Then they can shove college and my grades right up their ass.
    • Re: Parent and School related Pressure

      Hali, you go ahead an vent as much as you want!!Sometimes it makes us feel better just to get it out in the open and have a sounding board.
      Checking in or out(LOL) aint gonna help anything, talk to them and tell them exactly how you feel.
      Are they paying for it or are you? That would depend on how forceful you bring it to them. Good luck!
    • Re: Parent and School related Pressure

      First of all, I was not serious about committing myself. I was just frustrated; it is amazing what people can take out of context. I have already made it quite clear to them what my intentions are so as far as complaining goes I think I’m somewhat entitled. I am paying for it myself but that doesn’t mean that my parents aren’t still going to be parents. I would have thought that in some way we are all under pressure from our parents regarding school.
    • Re: Parent and School related Pressure

      I'm thinking that your best bet is to realize that this is just the way parents are, the sooner we all accept that the better our lives will be. Do your thing and don't worry about their nagging, it will only cause you more stress. In the end it s your life not their and only you can make decisions that are going o leave you happy and satisfied.
    • Re: Parent and School related Pressure

      hali wrote:

      I am so sick and tired of my parents telling me where I should go to college. Do they really think I am dumb and I cannot make decision on my own? Seriously, I know they care but if I hear one more word about my damn grades or college, I am going to check myself into a little white room with a strait jacket and never come out. Then they can shove college and my grades right up their ass.

      Actually, teens are not yet ready to make major decisions in life, we still need help from our parents for that. Choosing the right college often have important consequences for our life and career later.
    • Re: Parent and School related Pressure

      You should tell them how you feel. It is true that teens are not yet stable in decision making but choosing their path in college should be their own decision. Parents should respect whatever course they choose to take because it will be their career. They should be able to work on something that they love to do. Parents should just guide and give advice, not dictate.