I just wanted to say thank you :]

    • I just wanted to say thank you :]

      This is probably just a waste of a thread on this forum but anyways.. I wrote on this forum about two years ago and asked for help because I didn't know whether or not I should tell my friend that I liked her. Hell, I was horribly insecure about being bi as well and just felt horribly anxious all the time. My friend had been openly lesbian for almost six years and was during that time in a relationship that had lasted for over three years, so obviously that made it extremely hard for me to watch. But still, I wanted to be friends with her, even though I knew I couldn't have her. I had no guts to tell her.
      So a year passes and I move abroad, to the other side of the globe infact. I during that time had suppressed all my feelings for her and was just her very close friend. It was hard to think I couldn't see her in a long time, but since we emailed every other day and even sent letters I felt quite happy. However, one day she sent me an odd chat txt, I had no clue what was going on. Then she said she liked me and said she didn't expect me to share her feelings and apologized. I think that if I hadn't received advice and encouraging words from some of the ppl on this forum, I wouldn't had been able to then confess to her as well. It's almost surreal how comfortable I've become with being bi in these two years.

      So yeah, thanks~ and others who're still very much confused, just hang in there. It'll get better if you just have an open and positive attitude. Whether you turn out to be bi, straight, gay or anything, just keep your head up. It'll be fine :3 (just to mention, my account back then was different so I created this new one :'D) . Sry for an unnecessary post~

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