New here

    • Hey! I'm new here and also it's my first time in a forum. I'm very confused about myself :O I have such a mess in my head that I can't even find the words to explain how I feel :O I think I've always known that I'm lesbian, but I have never told anyone. I feel bad for not being brave enough to tell my family and friends. I think it's like deep inside they know I am, but they prefer to avoid the topic and convice themselves that I'm not :( I'm not the most girly girl in the world, I don't use to wear make up, and I'm a jeans, tees and converse lover, but you wouldn't tell that I'm a tomboy either...Idk :/ soo all this time I've been keeping this to myself and now I feel the need of talking about it with other people and let my true me out...I hope that I can open myself with you :)