Could a university revoke my admission because of this?

    • Could a university revoke my admission because of this?

      I failed fucking AP econ first semester because the teacher is shit and makes the tests hard to the point where you literally have to examine every single sentence in the chapter to know the correct answers. My friend is taking econ in a large college right now and his class is MUCH easier, so taking it in high school with this terrible teacher has been a huge mistake.

      The university won't actually receive my first semester grades until this summer though when I would have already made housing deposits and everything. You think they will still revoke my admission and give me a refund on all the deposits I have made? I'm working my ass off for that class right now which means I might end up with a C second semester. Hardly anyone gets a B and the only people that get an A in AP econ in my school are the wrestlers since the teacher is the wrestling coach (I know favoritism at its best).

      And just for the record, I made A's and B's in high school with some C's. I've never gone below that.

      The post was edited 5 times, last by V1NC3 ().

    • Re: Could a university revoke my admission because of this?

      V1NC3 wrote:

      I hope you're right or else I'm gonna scream to death if I have to live with my parents for the next year because it'll be embarrassing and I'm positive that I won't make any new friends at the local community college

      Hopefully college will come.
      "As in heaven as on Earth, we've been dead since our birth" -Hollywood Undead
    • Re: Could a university revoke my admission because of this?

      The bombest wrote:

      Go ask an asian on that.

      The fuck does that mean?

      It depends on the college. I know that anything upper tier will rescind you in a heartbeat, but if you got in with a couple C's, and they won't get the F until they get the C with it and see that you worked hard senior year, I'd say you should (hopefully) be alright.

      Also, here in the US, seniors don't usually get finals in any form.
    • Re: Could a university revoke my admission because of this?

      Don't colleges in the states look more at your SATs anyway?

      I wouldn't worry about it too much to be honest. Just try harder in the class so you'll at least pass it, or at the very least just scrap it and focus on getting incredible marks in your other courses.