powerpoint presentation help

    • powerpoint presentation help

      On Friday i have to give a power point presentation on "the Arctic" in my grade 9 social studies class, how the fuck do i do that? i'm finished the power point do i just stand there and say whats on the slides or do i talk about them? or just stand there and let everyone read them. i've never really presented something like this before. should i just "forget" to hand it in and take a 0 or just do it? my teacher said if its not done then its not done and we'll be moving on to another chapter.
    • Re: powerpoint presentation help

      Hello :)

      In response to your post I would like to give you some advice on what to do with a Powerpoint Presentation...


      Make sure that the design of the presentation isn't boring... Little things such as animations on the page and transitions between slides makes it a lot easier on the eye.

      Don't use any colours like Yellow or Light Green on it as these are hard to read from a far distance, use colours like Dark Blue or Red.

      Make sure that the font is easy to read and not too scrunched up...

      The Text

      Make sure that you don't have too much text on each slide. You do not want an essay on each slide, you want brief notes about what you are going to talk about.

      Make sure that you use bullet points or short notes, remember NO ESSAYS.


      Make some note cards, just little cards with hints on for what you should be saying, if you're confident then don't use them, but if you need to use them then just have them with you and take quick glances at them.

      Do not write essays on these either, use them for brief notes but make sure that you know what you are going to say before you go in and do it.

      I hope this helped you, if you are struggling with anything else then feel free to reply and I will see what I can do to help?

      - Mawsie
    • Re: powerpoint presentation help

      advice for giving a presentation.

      Limit what you put on the slide, put a key word or a picture to remind you of what you want to say but never leave sentences for the audience to read, or for you to read to them.

      You dont have to know everything, and you dont need to be super confident.

      be prepared, know what you want to say and just say it, slow, steady and precise. Think of it like a marathon. You spend months preparing then when you do it you dont rush because you know what you have to do!

      Good luck with it! :D