Who Am I?

    • I have no idea what's going on with myself now a days. I have been out of school for a while. I am going on my third week and all I do is sleep. I lock myself in my room and do nothing but sleep... I have, within the last two weeks, cut myself. I guess I just get so sad that I feel a few cuts here and there will help me feel better. For a second, I do start to feel better, but then I start to feel sad again and I don't know why? Maybe because I have done nothing at all for two weeks straight but stare at my walls and listen to music.
      However, before school ended I was beginning to feel somewhat depressed and I believe I made an entry here on this website. I did not feel better after I had the chance to vent. My mom and her boyfriend continue to live their normal work life and what not and they go out to dinner together and they invite me, but I just don't want to go? I am in color guard and I feel happy when I am with my girls and when I am practicing, but any other time than that, I am sad? I have a hard time talking to people and finding things that I enjoy besides color guard. I am a senior in high school and I have no idea what is going to happen to myself when I graduate...
      I have no idea who I am anymore. I don't eat anymore, all I do is cry and I cant seem to find myself to get out of bed anymore... It frustrates my mom, but I do not know what to tell her. I have told her that I am depressed and asked if I wanted to return to therapy and I said no because I do not feel as though my therapist helped me. What do I do?
    • Re: Who Am I?

      I wish I had some fantastically helpful thing to say but I'm not too good at this stuff. I was in a very similar place a little while ago I mean I'm still struggling with some stuff, but it can get better. One of the things I tried to do was keep busy I found my depression was worse when I was alone or not doing anything. I know you may have heard this but you should stop cutting you need to find another way to feel better.
    • Re: Who Am I?


      Chin up beautiful! Haha life is so much more than we can ever imagine. When you feel depressed, make a conscious effort to get out of the house and to do something you wouldn't normally do. Its the way you grow and change and find out more about the beautiful person we were made to be/become:)

      I've been where you are, cutting myself and becoming depressed/lazy. But the greatest comfort should come to you by realizing it can all be changed by shifting your mindset. Which, incidentally, is VERY easy to do once you begin to step out of your comfort zone.

      Also, develop a better relationship with yourself. I treat myself as I would a best friend; If I am sad, I acknowledge those feelings, tell myself it is completely normal to feel that way from time to time and then think of ways to give myself comfort to improve my mood.

      Be your own best friend, because nobody can understand yourself like you can :rolleyes:

    • Re: Who Am I?

      You are who you are.

      You dont blank, you do blank, you say blank, you think blank, blank blank blank.
      If you don't like it, stand up. Explore who you are. What you love, what you hate, and what brings you happiness.

      No purpose in life? no problem.
      It's better to have no purpose and make one for yourself, than have a purpose and fail at it...

      Go do something. Take a walk, lift weights, go ask random strangers to go on a date.

      When you look into the abyss, the abyss looks into you. It is a reflection. Look at the world~ then look at how you look at the world. Explore yourself to know the world, and explore the world to know yourself.

      Life is an open world sandbox game. make of it what you will.
      The living may not hear them; Their voices may fall upon deaf ears. But make no mistake; The dead are not silent. My Skype: Alaestor My TeamSpeak3: ts3.FutureGadgetLab.net