Am I being a bad daughter?

    • Am I being a bad daughter?

      Well I havent seen my dad since I was 3 and then 2 years ago when I was 15 I felt like i wanted to know him etc... I dont really know why I guess I just wanted to know what kind of man he was etc so I added him on facebook and then messaged him. He messaged back and then we made small talk for a year over facebook about the weather etc and it would be like one message every 3 months so I though there was no point anymore and I stopped replying. Then he didnt send me a message on my 16th birthday which I was quite upset about since it's my 16 and he has never said anything to me idek i thought it would be different now we were talking a bit. After that I swore the never talk to him over something petty like the weather on facebook again. However for the last year he's sent me 10 messages asking how I am and things... I have ignored him becuase I can be bothered with petty little contact like that but then he send me a message saying "Hello, you haven't replied in a while are you okay?" and it for me thinking... am I wrong for not replying??? I mean I want contact but not like this and I dont want to make the first suggestion... I really dont know what I should be doing... Can anyone suggest anything??? Thanks, beth
    • Re: Am I being a bad daughter?

      Did you actually think about this for more than 5 seconds?
      This man doesn't care about you, isn't that clear? And you're worrying about being a bad daughter? Wtf? Do you have any self respect or dignity at all?
      Do you think he sees you as an actual daughter? Honey he talks to you every 3 months, you're not a daughter in his life, you can't be a good or bad one, if you're simply not that.
      And you call him DAD? What did he do to earn that? He's just a random man that pops up in your life as a facebook notification, not even an UNCLE. He left, walked out of your life, he DIDN'T come back. You contacted him, he didn't bother to do that. You messaged him, he didn't bother to do that. He didn't wish you a happy birthday, he talks with you about weather every 3 months. He does NOT care. He's only doing it to be polite I'd say.
      Stop hoping because there's nothing to hope about in this situation. It's obvious that he's a jerk. He doesn't give a fuck and neither should you.
      [CENTER][SIZE=1]He holds me in his big arms
      Drunk and I am seeing stars
      This is all I think of

    • Re: Am I being a bad daughter?

      maybe go to like starbucks and talk to him in person. in pulic so if anything bad happens there ar witnesses but it private enough that you vcould get to know him. maybe he feels bad for forgetting ur 16th. if as you said he hasn't spent any time in your life it would be difficult for him to be a parent because he has little experience.