Parents and My Newborn Baby

    • Parents and My Newborn Baby

      So, I have a problem. I'm currently living with my husband at he is 21 and I am 17, we have a newborn baby boy and so many problems now. We want to be good parents but my husbands parents keep acting like they are the baby's parents. It very aggurvating and when we say anything about it they flip out on us. I told my sister- in- law to let the baby sleep and not mess with him and that just made them mad. She also kept making a noise that scared him and I told her to stop and she didn't listen then my husband's mom started to join in and encourage her knowing I didn't like her doing that. His sister tried to scare the baby and wake him up right before I was going to take him to bed. They're not the ones who have to stay up all night with him.
      Our problem is when we speak up and tell them not to do things or that we want things a certain way they get all mad and pissed off with us. I don't know what to do or say to them. And when I don't speak up about things it makes me feel like a bad mother and I'm tired of feeling that way. I am afraid to take him from my husbands parents and they always have him but they can just come and take him right from my arms. It should be the other way around! No one wants to listen to us when we make parental choices for him and I'm so tired of them making smart comments to us and not listening to us!
      Love Your Life:love1:
    • Re: Parents and My Newborn Baby

      You need to lay down the rules with them. Have a sit down and talk about boundaries, how you've been feeling, and make sure your husband backs you up on this. Without him laying down the rules as well, your words will probably fall upon deaf ears. Let them know that you don't appreciate them disrespecting your choices as a mother, and if they continue to ignore your wishes, then you're going to have to take a step back with your baby and husband to raise him without their help. You also need to stop being afraid and biting your tongue around them. While its nice that they help with your son, you also need to stand up for yourself and for him.

      “We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are.”
      -J.K. Rowling