I'm so Confused.

    • I'm so Confused.

      So my bestfriend was teasing me about this guy named Austin i said "Your odd" to him in a flirty waywthout even noticing it. But she thought I said "Your hot". Of course i didn't at all. I mean I guess he is kind of cute of not at all my type.

      Anyways thats the story that started this. I had this AMAZING bestfriend but in his eyes we were going out because we flirted a lot. And i mean A LOT. But parents said that was completly normal anyway. At first I LOVED our relationship more than almost anything. But about a month to a few weeks before I started my first period my hormones were going KRAZY d since I also have bipolar I couldn't control myself . I couldn't tell what I was filling or even understand anymore. So I basically ended up ending EVERYTHING. I didnt talk to him for weeks than it turned into months and still to this day I haven't talked to him. Which I do regret almost more than anything in my life.

      But anyways ever since my bestfriend (Kim) said that I started to fill weird inside. I dont even know how to explain it. I felt like I missed him even though on Valentines Day it will be a full year since I talked to him.

      Is this normal? I dont even understand what this means to me. I mean I want to be with him again? Or be friends? Im so confused.:confused::confused:
    • Re: I'm so Confused.

      You need to think back to how you were feeling when you stopped talking to him. If you can't think of a reason why you did then you should certainly at least start talking to him again and then let nature take its cause. If it develops in to a relationship then so be it. If not, just remain friends.

      If you can think of reasons why you stopped talking to him but you still find yourself wanting him back in your life, try exaggerating the reasons in your head and tell yourself you don't like him.

      I had a situation once, quite similar in that a girl who I was very close to (almost the same relationship as you had with this guy) changed suddenly. I no longer recognised her as a friend. She was an absolute bitch!! I found it really hard to get over her but I did so by convincing myself that my reasons were valid and that I should hate her for what she became and how she kicked me to the curb and hurt me in the process. I separated the new her from the old her and believe it or not, this helped me an unbelievable amount. I cannot stand her now and wouldn't want her back in my life if you paid me. To think that I was once in a position where I couldn't let go of her is unbelievable to me.

      If you want this guy out of your head then try this. If not, you should probably at least make an effort to start talking to him again.

      Good luck