Well this is awkward... Help?

    • Well this is awkward... Help?

      Hey! So I guess I am just looking for someone to help me sort out the out the craziness that is.. well... me. (btw in 17 yr old girl)
      So for a bit now (maybe a year and a half) I have thought I am bi.
      Recently though, I had a conversation with my friend (we get into weird conversations, don't ask me how we ended up on this topic because I don't know) and we ended up talking about... how do i put this delicately... how horny she usually is. She was saying that she is usually vaguely horny though out the day, or something like this. This made me realize that I basically am never horny. Like just doesn't happen.
      I mean I find people (def guys and girls) attractive and I will have crushes on people, but I don't, for example, see someone and imagine having sex with them or anything. I also want to date, but when I think of why I want to date people its more for the like emotional/talky/romantic stuff, not so much for the sexual stuff or anything like that.
      Just to throw a curveball, sometimes when I am high I will have an urge to kiss some of my friends...
      Any ideas on whats going on/what I might be/label myself as?

      The post was edited 1 time, last by heyitsrayne ().

    • Re: Well this is awkward... Help?

      Hey Lady!

      At this age we often think that desire is something that we should experience often. However, this isn't always the case. This is because women are not wired to feel horny all of the time. We assume that we should, based off our friends and what the media says, but for many of us these expectations are unrealistic. In fact, one third of women between the ages of 18-59 reported that they had a low sex drive. Does this mean that the other two thirds of women are abnormal? Of course not...but does it prove the validity of my point...yes. You are normal.

      As for whether or not you are bisexual; I don't know. Only you can determine that. My suggestion is that you find someone whom you can comfortably experiment with and find out for yourself. Based off of what you described (e.g. fantasizing about kissing girls) my bet is that you probably are.

      I hope this has helped some. If you have any more questions feel free to ask!!

      Best of luck, Taylor.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by TaylorBlackwell ().