How to manage your time - Links

    • How to manage your time - Links

      This week I was snouting around my private forum when finding some very useful resources for education. Please save any that are relevant, no need to reply on my thread.

      Tests Required for College: Sign up for the SAT here. Test dates are posted on the website. Get it done late junior year or early senior year Sign up for the ACT here. Once again dates are posted on the site. Get it done in the same era

      College Search: This is my favorite college search engine. It's by the same group that's in charge of the SAT and the oh so wonderful AP Tests. On top of searching for colleges you can find scholarships as well.

      Good for writing papers. Just figure out the info on the article, and the format you need, and it will format the source correctly for you.

      Khan Academy-
      I'd definitely recommend Khan Academy! It is a fantastic science (and other stuff) resource! The videos are very fun to watch.

      Audio/Animated(maybe?) lessons on common things you might need for classes.

      Ted Talks-
      Short speech-like video that cover a variety of topics in entertainment, technology, science, and world politics that can be useful in sources, information for a paper, or even a thought provoking cool-down.

      This site is really helpful when getting familiar with MLA-style papers. I had to do a couple in high-school a few years ago, so OWL is a mighty handy resource:

      This is the most helpful little tool ever when writing long research papers that require a lot of footnotes and bibliographic citations, it saves a heck of a lot of time.

      ^ This is a bit of a piggin' great directory, but can direct you to a number of useful resources and organizations.

      Below, this site is the best resource I've found for any computer hardware or software term i wanted to look up. If you want to know whats inside your computer and how it works this is a good place to look.

      Codecademy is a great place to learn code (HTML, CSS, Python, JavaScript, etc...) If you are doing a class with code, this will be a really big help.

      I was particularly impressed with The Independent's Top 10 Revision Tips: with their revision timetable and adapted it to suit my own. And it worked really well! I'm glad I found that link. For national newspapers and the sometimes the great info they produce, this is one thing that I so love about the Internet.

      And moar :P…eekly_study_schedule.html

      So, there ya go. :D

      Sometimes the best memories people make, are new ones.
    • We should learn how to manage time in professional. The balance in between work and home will definitely boost our success and our professional as well as personal life. Due to busy schedule we are unable to utilize our time with friends and families; so apart from professional work we should spend quality time with our friends and families. When we learn how to manage time in between work and home on that day we are able to develop our success lifestyle.