Does she like me or Just friends?

    • Does she like me or Just friends?


      There is this girl (ill call her L), my friend (ill call him J). I always kinda liked L, but J, a very good friend of mine asked her, they dated, they really liked each other and had since freshmen year (I just came to the school this year), they then broke up, J says I should date her (he is kidding) but L has not completely gotten over J, but J is over L. L texts me calling me "best friend", but the other day we were playfully playing(we do this a fair amount), and I was trying to take her phone and she play bit me a few times and when I felt her hand it lingered a tiny bit. I am really bad at reading social ques, and I knew a girl who liked me a lot, yet she called me best friend. I go along with L's best friend thing because im not sure if I should ask her, I do not want to ruin our friendship as her and J's were ruined.

      what should I do?
    • I think theres not much info for me to give you something definitive... I would say she's either into you as a guy or as a friend... the borderline is often too thick to be easily recognized.

      I would generally say that any girl who touches you often (in this case bite) is a sign you're not disgusting to her... which is a good thing for a start.

      Try to talk to her about personal stuff... look at her movement, how close is she to you. Is she looking at your lips, playing with hair, neck... those are in 90% of cases very good signs of attraction!

      Hope it helps :)