Can anyone help?

    • Can anyone help?

      Hey, my name is Kyle. I really need help. I'm suicidal. I've somewhat recently lost my mom. (About 2 years ago) I've moved to a completely different state with zero friends. My dad got married to someone I don't like. My step brother drives me insane. My grades are going to shit. I get bullied. I have depression and anxiety which, obviously, only makes this whole situation a lot harder. I've been having suicidal thoughts for a few months now. In fact, I'm so used to them that I'm starting to write a book about why I'm doing it. I don't want to do this. My dad lost 2 of his kids, the other on lives in NY all the way across the country. I don't want him to lose me. I'm his last kid he has around. I just want help. I'm tired of this. I'm numb but I still feel every bit of emotional pain that gets tossed at me. I don't know where I'm going with my life. I have no motivation to do anything anymore. I just want to be freed from this shit I deal with. I don't mean to sound like some stereotypical emo kid, and if I do I'm sorry. (Sorry if that offends you) I just need a bit of help, and I don't know where else to go so I came here. I've never tried one of these forums before, but it's my last chance. I have a therapist, and he can only help so much. Please help me. That's all I ask.
    • I'm sorry about your mom.. And about your fathers new wife and her son just ignore it, because there is not really much do about it, like you can't change it. I know what it feels like to move away from your friends and how it feels to see one of your parents with someone new and I had the same emotions and the same thoughts but all you gotta do is think positive and do something with your dad, you know just you and him, maybe eat dinner or something and show him that you will never leave like the other did.
      I hope it will help you.