Need advice on handling my family.

    • Need advice on handling my family.

      Hey all! I'm in a situation, that I really don't know how to handle. I live with my dad and bro and we've been having lots of financial problems lately. My dad is under lots of debt and because of this financial tension, he has been into alcohol quite too much these days. My brother is a year younger to me and he doesn't understand what dad is going through. He frequently ends up arguing with dad, upsetting him even more. Now days, mostly he remains out with his friends and I'm really worried whether he is into some bad company or not. And dad, getting depressed with all these things, is drinking even more. I feel now it's upon me to do something, to bring back my family to how it was. But, I'm not sure on how I can do this. My friend has been telling me to search for a good debt consolidation company that can help my dad out from debt. So I searched online to find this . Really need your opinion on this company. Should I ask my dad to consult them? Also I need advice on how I can handle my brother. He is something for which I don't find any solution. Please advice.
      Roses are Red... Violets are Blue... I don't know about others... But I love you..
    • No idea about the brother problem.. mine are 9 and twins. biggest problem with them is me getting a semi random punch to the chest when competing for the tv remote control..

      We have had debt problems too. My Dad died.. Mom can't work.. we are poor as hell.. anyway.. we tried debt consolodation.. dont know what company.. but they wanted money too. You need a free program.. some are out there.. could be different ones in your area. Another option if just too much underwater and no real hope is to just suck it up and do a bankruptcy! That will make it hard to get more credit for a few years.. but with no credit comes no bills.. life can be easier.. just one must save for things instead of using the plastic card... harder today.. but much easier on bill pay day! Stress gone.. and people who do it learn to just use cash anyway.. The bankruptcy people will want money up front for their service.. they will be paid first before they do anything. They will check your finances and see if you are a good candidate. I think they are normally lawyers.. that is what we ended up doing.

      The bill consolidation people.. supposedly work with creditors and try to get reduced interest.. maybe reduced principal.. reduced payments.. this too normally hurts ones credit.. but not quite as bad as a bankruptcy. Be sure you find a free bill consolidation service.. too many of the pay services just take what little bit of money you have... and do nothing.. a free service run by the government in your area maybe... or maybe a church.. or something maybe in a VA office if any military in your family.. or unemployment office.. probably best to start on google tho...
    • I think you should sit down with your dad and tell him your concerns. Show him what you have found and suggest that maybe your family should check out
      a place like you have found. I know myself that these kind of reputable companies do help out families with debt problems. You are a great daughter. Good luck.