Toxic People

    • Toxic People

      Hi thanks for reading! well almost 3 years ago I began to hang out with a girl that I knew that wasn't a good person, by then I knew she was betrayer, but I saw her betray someone who wasn't close to her, it's just that I thought that we could be close friends (Ihad real and close friends by then) but I was at a new school were I didn't fit in and I was feeling lonely so she studied close from were I was, well along our "friendship" I saw too muchh from her that didn't inspired my to trust her, we had good times but down deep inside of me I knew she wasn't a real friend I didn't fool myself I never really developed affection for her because I'm very emotional and proud so I don't give my affection to anyone, the real mistake was that I let her come into my life more than should have, once I invited her to a camping with the girl guides (girl guides is one of the most important part of my life I've been a girl guide since I was a little child) and she decided to stay now she is part of the movement (because she has no one to hang out with) a year ago she showed me extremely shameless how betrayer she is and I was like what the hell I don't need this it seems like all the time I'd been waiting for her to do something like that to have an excuse to get away from her, then she disappeared from my life and I was so happy by then, it felt like a huge wheight fell down from my shoulders, then in december by my birthday we saw eachother again and I thought well we can be civilizated and get along without being rough to eachother but she started to see that my life was the same or better without her and now she keeps on going to the girl guides reunions and acts like she was offended by me, whatever the thing is thet I can't forgive me for doing this to myself. Be carefull who you let in to your life even if is someone who you don't care too much about and do you have any advice for self forgivness? it would be usefull <3 thanks for reading this silly drama and I will appreciate every answer :D
    • Well you really need not forgive yourself. I think we all get into relationships with people
      that are wrong for us. Don't blame yourself for anything. You tried to be a friend and this other
      girl failed to be a real friend. Just put it in the past as a lesson learned.