Secrets of Attracting Women

    • Secrets of Attracting Women

      Attracting women is essential to us men; it defines our self-esteems and our personality. If you fail at attracting women to you, it can be a great source of pain. These secrets of attracting women will help you success, use them every time.Women are difficult to predict and to understand.Very few men know how to handle and deal with women.This is why they are so hard to attract for most guys.The majority of men simply don't know how to seduce women the right way.These secrets of attracting women will help you tremendously succeed with women.

      Body language. This is key. The vast majority of communication is non-verbal (some studies put it anywhere between 67%-93%). That means that you can't hunch, be scared of taking up lots of space with your arms and legs. You have to make sure to speak with a loud dominant voice, and you do need to have strong eye contact.

      Physical touch. Key for building attraction and allowing you to escalate sexually when you need to. Don't make this one too obvious, but do it just enough to show that you're comfortable with yourself, and are not intimidated by the girl.

      Teasing. This is all about making fun of the girl. You need to do it playfully and with a smile on your face. Is she a closet nerd that loves to read anatomy textbooks? Does she have a bunch of cats with people's names? Etc. Flirt and make a few jokes, but don't push it too far. Here the key is to make her flirt back. If she gets seriously offended, or doesn't want to talk to you, then you messed up. Its time to change your approach a little bit and try again.

      Leading. This is the most important secret of attraction. If we look from an evolutionary perspective, women are attracted to alpha males because their genes dictate who they should mate with in order to increase the highest chance of survival of their children. Alpha males are known for being leaders. This is one reason why being a leader will make women attracted to you. Remember that leadership is a skill that can be developed over time (so don't fret if you don't possess it yet)
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