Online dating tips: How to Write to Her?

    • Online dating tips: How to Write to Her?

      Writing is the most important aspect of online dating. Even some date sites like have Letter Writing Tips provided in their site. A list of tips that will allow their members success in their hunt for love. So, what's the right way to write?
      When it comes to online dating, getting the attention of a potential partner is crucial. The questions: how do I begin the letter? What should I write in the letter? What are the things I can ask? And how much should I tell her? Begin to occupy our minds. But worry not, here are some tips on how you should go on about your letter writing:
      Read her bio. Before you start any writing, read her profile or bio first. Base your questions around what they provided. It'll help the flow of conversation when the correspondence starts.
      Salutations. It is important to write an engaging salutation. As it is the beginning of your letter, your first few words will always be your first impression. By starting your letter with: "Dear Joanna," or "Hey there!" Allows her to know that you are actually interested in getting to know her. Don't take salutations for granted. It may not be as important as the body of your letter, but it can make or break your chances of getting her interested.
      Ask questions. Write about the weather or ask how she's doing. Ask about the details they have provided in their bio and say something about it too. Keep it small, you don't want to scare her off with too many questions. The goal is to not make her feel as if she is being interrogated.
      What not to ask her. Stick to wholesome questions. Don't ask her questions that may get her uncomfortable. This is really a no-brainer. Just remember, most women who are in online dating sites are looking for serious relationships.
      A small intro of yourself. It is important that you only provide details of yourself that a stranger should know. Remember that your privacy and security is still the most important. It is important that you also introduce yourself in your letter. But remember, you don't have to write your full name, your first name or nickname is more than enough. Mention some general details of yourself. Example: the nature of your job, your interests and hobbies. You can even point out the things you both have in common based on what you've seen from her bio.
      Send a photo. It is only fair that you send the lady you're interested in your photo. It will allow them to have better feel on whom they are corresponding with.
      Endnote. Your endnote should be simple and friendly. Just a simple statement of saying: "Have a great day and looking forward to getting to know you better." is a great way to end your letter. You don't want to come off forceful in terms of getting a response.
      Writing a letter can sometimes be intimidating, especially when it's to someone we are interested in. Just keep these tips in mind and you should be fine. Let us know what you think and if you have other thoughts regarding this list, your input is highly appreciated!