Telling my kids I found new love...

    • Telling my kids I found new love...

      Being divorced for over 10 years, I’ve decided to join A Foreign Affair’s singles tour events in Ukraine. I met a beautiful woman named Natalya in the city of Nikolaev. She has a 5 year old son who is just as lovely and sweet as her. During my stay, we have bonded and got to know each other. I know, falling in love seems impossible for just 1 week but... the more I got to know Natalya, the more I wanted to be with her.

      On the day before I left, we’ve had dinner with her son. We got to talk more and decided to keep in touch. We’ve exchanged letters through AFA. 4 months since the tour, I’ve decided that I want her indefinitely. I know she feels the same way, so… I’ve decided to book a flight to Ukraine for next month and propose to her. I plan to bring her to California and introduce her and her son to my children.

      I want my children to accept her and her son, I want us to become a family. I am uncertain how my children will react. I need advice on how I should go on about this. I know that there’s a possibility that they won’t agree to it. I want to try and make everything work out. I am really happy with Natalya and I want my children to be happy too.