My friends think I'm nuts, but I think it's true love. What do you guys think?

    • My friends think I'm nuts, but I think it's true love. What do you guys think?

      I met this really sweet lady on LoveMe a few months ago. Everything’s going really well, we exchange emails back and forth, we chat as much as we can, we even exchanged snail mail cause I thought it would be a really nice throwback to when handwritten letters was the way people communicated.

      Now I want to go visit her, in Costa Rica, but my friends are saying that it’s way too early in the relationship to even consider. They keep saying that nobody falls in love that quickly.I have a really good feeling about this relationship. I think that seeing her in person would be a great first step to making this really work.

      But to be honest, my friends are starting to get to me, and I just need to make sure that this is a good idea. What do you guys think? Are we moving too fast? Am I making a fool of myself?