Having communication issues with my Latina girlfriend. What to do?

    • Having communication issues with my Latina girlfriend. What to do?

      My girlfriend of six months and I are having a hard time communicating. We met through A Foreign Affair, and got together after a month of talking. She can speak in conversational English, but there are times where it’s just hard to explain some things. It’s been like that since we met. Most of the time, it’s me who’s having a hard time understanding her.

      Sometimes, it’s funny how she tries to teach me things. I forget it a few minutes later. It’s not that I don’t take here “lessons” seriously. It’s just that it slips my mind really easily. I’m trying to read books in her language on my own so that I could impress her.

      I honestly admire her patience with me. When I tell her to repeat what she said or to explain why they believe in certain things, she’s always willing to explain it to me in detail. She also takes an interest in my culture and language, saying she wants to understand me better.

      I’m just scared that this lingual challenge in our relationship might be too much for her. I don’t her to break up with me. What should I do to improve our situation? Should I just enroll myself in formal foreign language lessons? I need help!!!
    • FIRST: If you are reading books in her language so that you can impress her, give up now and find someone else.
      If you are lying to us, and are actually reading them to learn the language, then you have some hope.

      Yes, definitely learn the language. And she should too. How awesome would it be if you were both bilingual in the language that is native to the other? Both of you should get some teaching. You enroll, or find an online course, or whatever ... then ask her about doing the same.